

CBK Holdings (08428): Wang Qingyun succeeds as the chairman of the Audit Committee.

Zhitong Finance ·  Sep 30 19:38

CBK Holdings (08428) announced that Liu Minqi has rotated and retired as the company's independent non-executive director at the annual general meeting of shareholders, which was postponed...

According to the WiseFinance app, CBK Holdings (08428) announced that Liu Minqi has rotated and retired as the company's independent non-executive director, chairman of the company's audit committee and remuneration committee, as well as chairman of the company's nomination committee and legal compliance committee, at the shareholders' annual general meeting, which was postponed...

Independent non-executive director Wang Qingyun has succeeded as chairman of the company's audit committee and remuneration committee, effective from September 30, 2024; and

Following Liu Minqi's rotation and retirement as an independent non-executive director, the company will become a single-gender board of directors, not complying with Rule 17.104 of the GEM Listing Rules. The board of directors will, at the earliest practicable opportunity and no later than December 31, 2024, identify and appoint a suitable female candidate as a company director to ensure compliance with Rule 17.104 of the GEM Listing Rules.

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