
ITE HOLDINGS(08092):吴婉英获委任为执行董事

ITE Holdings (08092): Wu Wanying has been appointed as an executive director.

Zhitong Finance ·  Sep 30, 2024 16:43

ite holdings (08092) announced that starting from October 1, 2024, Ms. Ng Yen Ying will...

Zhck Fiancee APP News, ite holdings (08092) announced that Ms. Ng Yen Ying has been appointed as an executive director starting from October 1, 2024.

The following items will take effect from October 1, 2024: (i) the current executive director, Mr. Cheng Kwok Hung, will no longer serve as the company's authorized representative under Rule 3.05 of the GEM Listing Rules; and (ii) the newly appointed executive director, Miss Ng, will be appointed as the authorized representative.

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