
《大行》野村:未來12個月首選騰訊(00700.HK)和美團(03690.HK) 短線看好阿里(BABA.US)和嗶哩嗶哩(BILI.US)

Nomura: Tencent (00700.HK) and Meituan (03690.HK) are the top picks for the next 12 months. Bullish on Alibaba (BABA.US) and bilibili (BILI.US) in the short term.

AASTOCKS ·  Sep 30 15:27

Nomura's research report pointed out that due to the low valuation of China's Internet industry, combined with attractive capital return on investment, European and American investors are generally optimistic about the industry. Some investors, especially hedge funds, are revealing that they are reinvesting in Chinese Internet stocks to seize the growth opportunities brought by the potential rebound of the Chinese economy. Their top stock picks for the next 12 months are Tencent (00700.HK) and Meituan (03690.HK), both rated as "buy", while showing a more positive outlook in the short term for Alibaba (09988.HK)(BABA.US) and Bilibili (09626.HK)(BILI.US), also rated as "buy".

Additionally, the bank also favors (09618.HK)(JD.US) and PDD Holdings (PDD.US), with a "buy" rating. They believe that over the past year, and Alibaba have generously rewarded their shareholders and have pledged to continue their capital return plans. Looking forward to the recovery of the Chinese real estate market, which can drive demand for household appliances, Nomura believes that will benefit from this trend.

Despite the fierce competition in the mainland e-commerce market, Nomura expects that the economic stimulus policies announced by the central government last week seem to help boost market sentiment, focusing on stabilizing the property market and promoting the recovery of consumer demand. Therefore, they anticipate that the performance of the e-commerce sector in the short term may be relatively strong.

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