
【券商聚焦】浙商证券首予招金矿业(01818)“买入”评级 料其有望踏上量价齐升的增长快车道

[Brokerage Focus] Zheshang Securities first initiated a 'buy' rating on Zhaojin Mining (01818), expecting it to embark on a growth fast track with both quantity and price rising.

Golden Guardians Financial News ·  Sep 30, 2024 13:15  · Ratings

Jingu financial news | Zheshang Securities issued a research report, pointing out that if the usa is difficult to meet the two conditions of "good economy + low inflation" simultaneously in the medium term, the price of gold is expected to remain bullish, thereby driving the growth of profitability of precious metals companies. Zhaojin Mining (01818) has its controlling shareholder as Zhaojin Group, and the actual controller is the People's Government of Zhaoyuan City; A-share leading mining company Zijin Mining Group has invested to become the second largest shareholder of the company, demonstrating the company's strong development potential.

The bank pointed out that relying on high gold prices and increasing production, Zhaojin Mining is expected to embark on a fast-growing path with both quantity and price rising. The bank expects the company to achieve net income attributable to the parent of approximately 1.262/1.974/2.818 billion yuan in 2024/2025/2026, with growth rates of 84%, 56%, 43% respectively; corresponding EPS are 0.37, 0.58, 0.83 yuan, corresponding PE ratios are 33.28, 21.27, 14.90 times. First coverage, with a "buy" rating.

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