
《內房》青海調整房地產政策 二套房首付比例降至15%

Qinghai adjusts real estate policies, with the down payment ratio for the second home reduced to 15%.

AASTOCKS ·  10:25

Qinghai Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Implementation Plan of Qinghai Province on Further Intensifying Efforts to Promote the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market", proposing 16 work measures, including strict control of the increment of commodity housing, optimization of existing stock, improvement of quality, reduction of the interest rate on existing housing loans to the level of new loan interest rates, lowering the minimum down payment ratio for the second housing loan from 25% to 15%, making efforts to meet the housing needs of new citizens, new young people, and other groups, increasing the individual housing provident fund loan quota and implementing the minimum loan interest rate, and shortening the loan approval time.

The plan also proposes guiding real estate development enterprises, intermediary institutions, real estate industry associations, etc., to support the improvement of housing conditions for the public through the "old for new" approach. Encourage various city government bodies to introduce policies for home purchase subsidies, providing purchase subsidies to households purchasing new commercial housing. (ta/)


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