
盐湖股份(000792.SZ)拟注销回购股份及破产企业财产处置专用账户结余股票 合计将注销1.41亿股

Qinghai Salt Lake Industry (000792.SZ) plans to cancel the repurchased shares and the balance of stocks in the special account for bankruptcy enterprise property disposal, totaling 0.141 billion shares to be canceled.

Zhitong Finance ·  Sep 29 18:28

Qinghai Salt Lake Industry (000792.SZ) announced that the board of directors and supervisory board of the company have reviewed and approved the "Regarding the Repurchase of Stocks and Changes...

Zhitong Finance APP News, Qinghai Salt Lake Industry (000792.SZ) announced that the board of directors and supervisory board of the company have reviewed and approved the "Proposal on the Purpose Change of Repurchased Stocks and Cancellation, as well as the Use of Stocks in Bankruptcy Enterprise Assets Disposal Special Account for the Purpose of Cancellation and Capital Reduction", agreeing that the company will change the purpose of repurchased stocks from "used for implementing employee stock ownership plans or stock-based incentive plans" to "used for cancellation and corresponding reduction of registered capital", and at the same time agreeing that the remaining stocks in the "Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Co., Ltd. Bankruptcy Enterprise Assets Disposal Special Account" be transferred to the company's repurchase special securities account for cancellation and reduction of the company's registered capital. It is proposed to authorize the company's management to handle the procedures for stock cancellation and reduction of the company's registered capital at the shareholders' meeting. The total number of stocks proposed to be cancelled is 0.141 billion shares, accounting for approximately 2.60% of the total share capital of the company.

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