
Epic诉苹果案再起波澜 法官驳回后者延后提交相关文件的请求

Epic's case against apple sparked new controversy as the judge rejected the latter's request to delay the submission of relevant documents.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Sep 29 10:22

According to IT Home on September 29th, Apple failed to persuade the judge to extend the deadline for submitting relevant documents in its legal dispute with Epic Games. In the request submitted to the court on September 26th, Apple claimed that the number of documents to be reviewed exceeded previous estimates, thus requiring more time to complete the review. District Judge Thomas S. Hixson rejected Apple's request and required them to submit 1.3 million documents related to its January changes to the App Store policy by September 30th. The judge emphasized that Apple must adhere to the original deadline and pointed out that Apple's delay may have a negative impact on the progress of the case. He believed that Apple is capable of completing the document review over the weekend and speculated that Apple's delay was to avoid the exposure of unfavorable information. The legal dispute between Apple and Epic Games began in 2020 when Epic Games bypassed the App Store rules by directly providing payment links, leading to Apple removing it from the App Store.

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