

Redco Group (01622): The group's business operations and development in all major aspects remain normal.

Zhitong Finance ·  Sep 27, 2024 17:02

Redco Group (01622) has issued an announcement that the company has taken appropriate measures to comply with the resumption guidance. Currently, the company is in the process of...

Zhixin Finance APP news, Redco Group (01622) has issued an announcement that the company has taken appropriate measures to comply with the resumption guidance. Currently, the company is proving to the Stock Exchange that the company has fully complied with the resumption guidance. The company is committed to resuming the trading of its shares as soon as practically possible and will publish further announcements in this regard.

The group's business operations and development in all major aspects remain normal. Shareholders and potential investors are urged to review the announcements and financial reports issued by the company from time to time. The board of directors will continue to evaluate and monitor the impact (if any) of the suspension of the company's share trading on the group's operations and financial performance and make appropriate arrangements, including timely issuance of announcements related to the group's business operations.

In addition, the trading of the shares remains suspended.

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