Stock Name 26 closing price ⇒ Change from previous day.
*J Oil <2613> 2115 +127
Revision of profit forecast for the fiscal year ending March 2025, commemorative dividends implemented.
*Will Group <6089> 1006 +67
Revision of upward profit forecast for the first half of the fiscal year ending March 2025.
*NaITO <7624> 136 -10
Downward revision of performance forecast for the fiscal year ending February 2025.
*Extreme <6033> 1142 +58
Total worldwide sales of 'Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP' exceed 0.1 million units.
Noileimmune <4893> 191 +12
Takara Bio <4974> and NIB103 jointly developed a business partnership.
Symbio <4592> 1182 -180
An announcement was made that there was no special discussion at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's Pharmaceutical Affairs Council regarding the report on "Acugo intracranial transplantation injection".
SEAUC sea <9158> start 1601 +69
Subsidiarization of a paid nursing home operation company.
AXIS C axis <9344> start 1058 +16
Business alliance strengthening with StartPass, which handles the cloud service 'StartPass' for startups. Resistance is strong on the upside.
Reason For Report