
美股异动|美国钢铁跌超2.3% 美国钢铁工人联合会仍对收购持反对态度

Stocks anomaly | United States Steel falls more than 2.3%. The United Steelworkers still hold a negative attitude towards the acquisition.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Sep 26 22:10

Gelonghui September 26th | United States Steel (X.US) fell more than 2.3%, closing at $37.33. On the news front, on Wednesday, the arbitration committee ruled in favor of Nippon Steel's $14.9 billion acquisition of the company, but the United Steelworkers (USW) disagreed with this decision. The arbitration committee, jointly selected by the company and the union, ruled that United States Steel has met all the conditions of the succession clause in the basic labor agreement (BLA) signed with USW. However, the union stated that this decision did not change its opposition to the agreement.

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