
中国飞鹤有望纳入港股通 早盘升逾4%再破顶

China's Feihe is expected to be included in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, rising more than 4% in early trading and breaking the peak

新浪港股 ·  Jan 10, 2020 10:04

Sina Hong Kong Stock News reported on January 10 that the annual review lists of Hong Kong Stock Connect and Hang Seng Composite Index will be announced on February 21, 2020. Anxin International believes thatChinese flying cranes(06186) This time it is expected to be included in the Hong Kong Stock Connect. Influenced by the news, China Feihe rose more than 4% in early trading. As of press release, it rose 3.57% to HK$9.86, with a turnover of HK$297.5965 million.

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