
上海市政府發放共5億人幣消費券 涵蓋餐飲住宿等領域

Shanghai government distributed a total of 0.5 billion yuan in consumer vouchers covering areas such as dining and lodging.

AASTOCKS ·  Sep 26 09:27

According to domestic media reports, the Shanghai municipal government recently reviewed and approved the "Our City Service Voucher Distribution Plan", deciding to distribute the "Fun-Shanghai" service vouchers in the dining, lodging, movie, and sports fields. It is introduced that the current round of service voucher input is 0.5 billion yuan, from municipal-level financial funds, based on the consumption proportion and citizen demand in each area. Among them, dining accounts for 0.36 billion yuan; lodging accounts for 90 million yuan; movies accounts for 30 million yuan; sports accounts for 20 million yuan.

This round of four types of vouchers adopts the "2+1+1" distribution method, where the dining and lodging vouchers are distributed through three payment platforms publicly selected by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism; movie vouchers are distributed through two ticketing platforms, Maoyan (01896.HK) and Taopiaopiao; sports vouchers are distributed through the existing sports voucher distribution information platform 'Arriving in Shanghai Fitness Map'.

In addition, all four types of vouchers are distributed on a 'first come, first served' basis. Among them, dining and lodging vouchers are distributed weekly; movie and sports vouchers are distributed daily.

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