

Planning to acquire assets related to the semiconductor industry! The concept stocks of the lithography company with a market value of 7 billion will be suspended from trading starting tomorrow. | Highlights of the post-market announcement ·  Sep 25 20:25

4 days on the board, anhui xinli finance: conch cement plans to reduce its shareholding by no more than 5.1272 million shares.


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H.B. Fuller: currently planning to acquire assets related to the semiconductor industry, the stock will be suspended from tomorrow.

H.B. Fuller announced that the company is planning to acquire semiconductor assets related to FERROTEC Group's indirect controlling shareholder through the issuance of Renminbi common stock, convertible corporate bonds, cash (if any), etc. This transaction is expected to constitute a major asset restructuring as stipulated in the "Regulations on the Major Asset Restructuring of Listed Companies" (Revised in 2023), and also constitutes a related party transaction. The company's stocks will be suspended from trading starting on September 26, 2024 and the suspension period is expected not to exceed 10 trading days. During the suspension period, the company will fulfill its disclosure obligations based on the progress of the relevant major matters.

In 4 days, 3 board meetings, Anhui Xinli Finance: Conch Cement plans to reduce its holdings of the company's shares by no more than 5.1272 million shares.

Anhui Xinli Finance announcement, the company's shareholder Conch Cement plans to reduce the number of the company's shares through centralized bidding trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, not exceeding 5.1272 million shares within 3 months after 15 trading days from the date of the announcement, that is, not more than 1% of the company's total share capital. This reduction plan is independently decided by Conch Cement according to its own needs, and will not have a significant impact on the company's governance structure and future continuous operation.

In 5 days, 4 board meetings, Shenzhen Infogem Technologies: The stock price has risen sharply in the short term, and there may be situations such as irrational speculation.

Shenzhen Infogem Technologies issued an announcement on the abnormal fluctuations in stock trading and serious abnormal fluctuations. The company's stock price has risen sharply in the short term, possibly due to irrational speculation; recently, the turnover ratio and volume of stock trading have significantly increased, indicating the risk of a sharp decline in stock price after the rise. Previously, the company disclosed an announcement that the controlling shareholder and actual controller intend to transfer the company's shares through agreement. This transfer is still subject to approval by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and there is uncertainty as to whether it can be ultimately completed.

Zhejiang Wanma: The controlling shareholder intends to transfer 25.53% of the company's shares to Haikong Investment at 9.18 yuan per share.

zhejiang wanma announcement, the company's controlling shareholder Hai Kong Group and its wholly-owned subsidiary Hai Kong Investment Control have re-signed the "Share Transfer Agreement". Hai Kong Group transferred its 0.259 billion shares of the company held by Hai Kong Investment Control, accounting for 25.53% of the total share capital of the company's unrestricted tradable shares. The price of this share transfer is 9.18 yuan per share, with a total transfer price of 2.376 billion yuan. Before and after this transaction is completed, the number of shares held by Hai Kong Group will decrease from 258,975,823 shares to 0 shares, and the shareholding ratio will decrease from 25.53% to 0%; the number of shares held by Hai Kong Investment Control will increase from 0 shares to 258,975,823 shares, and the shareholding ratio will increase from 0% to 25.53%, becoming the company's controlling shareholder. The actual controller remains the Qingdao West Coast New Area State-owned Asset Management Bureau.

Huaqin Technology: Signed the 'Share Purchase Agreement'.

Huaqin Technology announced that the company plans to acquire 80% of EasyRoute Holdings held by EasyRoute International through its overseas wholly-owned subsidiary Haiqin Hong Kong in cash. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the relevant due diligence, audits, and evaluations have been completed, referring to the evaluation results, and the final negotiation based on market-oriented trading principles by both parties. The company will acquire 80% of the target company's shares for 2.85 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash, and the final pricing is consistent with the preliminary pricing. Recently, the company officially signed a "Share Purchase Agreement" with EasyRoute International and its founders, and the target company through its overseas wholly-owned subsidiary Haiqin Hong Kong.

Jinghe Integrated: Intends to introduce external investors to increase the capital of its wholly-owned subsidiary by 9.55 billion yuan.

Jinghe Integrated announced that the company plans to introduce external investors such as AgBank Investment and Industrial Finance Investment to jointly increase the capital of its wholly-owned subsidiary Wanxin Integrated. The parties intend to increase the capital by a total of 9.55 billion yuan in monetary terms. Among them, Jinghe Integrated plans to contribute 4.15 billion yuan for a subscribed registered capital of 4.145 billion yuan, while external investors such as AgBank Investment intend to collectively contribute 5.4 billion yuan for a subscribed registered capital of 5.394 billion yuan. After the capital increase, the company's equity ratio in Wanxin Integrated will decrease to 43.7504%, but it will still remain the largest shareholder. The additional capital will mainly be used for the daily operation of Wanxin Integrated, including but not limited to purchasing equipment, repaying debts related to the main business production and operation.

Guangdong Senssun Weighing Apparatus: The company's single largest shareholder has changed from Zhao Yukun to Ningbo Joyson Electronic.

Guangdong Senssun Weighing Apparatus announced that from August 27, 2024 to September 24, Ningbo Joyson Electronic Corp.,Ltd. increased its holdings of the company's shares by a total of 2.4621 million shares through centralized bidding, accounting for 1.8642% of the company's total share capital. Before this increase, Zhao Yukun directly held 18.8528% of the company's shares. Together with the concerted action parties, they held a total of 28.2793% of the company's shares, making them the largest shareholder, controlling shareholder, and actual controller of the company. As of September 24, 2024, Ningbo Joyson Electronic Corp.,Ltd. held 18.8770% of the company's shares, and the single largest shareholder of the company changed from Zhao Yukun to Ningbo Joyson Electronic Corp.,Ltd. This change in the largest shareholder will not result in a change in the company's actual controller and controlling shareholder.

China State Construction Engineering Corporation: Acquired a total of 14.97 billion yuan in major projects.

China State Construction Engineering Corporation announced that recently, the company has won multiple major projects with a total project amount of 14.97 billion yuan.

2 consecutive limit ups for SGSG Science&Technology: Uncertainties remain as to whether Zibo State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission can obtain the approval document issued by the competent authority for the transfer of state-owned assets.

SGSG Science&Technology released an announcement on the abnormal fluctuations in stock trading. As of now, Zibo State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has completed the payment of the second installment of the first share transfer price in accordance with the Supplementary Agreement No. 1 to the Agreement on the Transfer of Shares of Zhuhai SGSG Science&Technology Co., Ltd., but has not yet obtained the approval document from the competent authority for the transfer of state-owned assets. Uncertainties remain as to whether Zibo State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission can obtain the approval document issued by the competent authority for the transfer of state-owned assets.

Chempartner Pharmatech: The company is currently communicating with the auditing firm regarding corrections to previous annual reports.

Chempartner Pharmatech issues a notice of abnormal fluctuations in stock trading. The company recently received the "Decision on Issuing a Warning Letter to Chempartner Pharmatech Co., Ltd., Zeng Xianwei, Woo Swee Lian, Zhang Jiguo, Wang Kui, Cha Yinqun, and Xu Jian, by the Guangdong Regulatory Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission" ([2024] No. 145) (referred to as the "Warning Letter"), requiring the company to correct the issues raised in the Warning Letter. The company will, in accordance with relevant regulations such as "Enterprise Accounting Standard No. 28 - Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors Correction" and "Rules for Disclosure of Financial Information of Companies Issuing Securities No. 19 - Correction of Financial Information and Related Disclosures", correct and revise the 2022 and 2023 annual reports already disclosed by the company. At present, the company is communicating with the auditing firm regarding corrections to previous annual reports. For specific and accurate financial data, please refer to the relevant reports corrected by the company in subsequent disclosures.

Baota Industry: Uncertainties remain as to whether the restructuring matters can be formally implemented.

Baota Industry announced abnormal fluctuations in stock trading and is planning a major asset restructuring. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the audit, evaluation, and other work for the intended disposal and acquisition of assets are being carried out as planned. The specific transaction price for this transaction has not been determined yet. The restructuring still needs to go through necessary internal decision-making processes and can only be formally implemented after approval by the relevant regulatory authorities. There is uncertainty regarding the formal implementation, so investors are advised to pay attention to subsequent announcements and be aware of investment risks.

Global Top E-commerce, which has triggered two consecutive limit-up moves: There is still significant uncertainty as to whether the company has entered pre-reorganization or reorganization procedures.

Global Top E-commerce issued a notice on abnormal fluctuations in stock trading. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the company has not yet received any notice or ruling from Taiyuan Intermediate People's Court regarding the applicant's application for corporate restructuring and pre-restructuring matters. There is significant uncertainty about whether the applicant's application has been accepted by the court and whether the company will enter pre-restructuring and restructuring procedures.

Chengdu Qinchuan IoT Technology Co., Ltd.: Intends to acquire 60% equity of Chengdu Power Technology Co., Ltd.

Chengdu Qinchuan IoT Technology: The company announced that it is planning to acquire 60% equity of Chengdu Power Technology Co., Ltd. in cash. After the completion of this transaction, the company will become the controlling shareholder of the target company. This transaction does not constitute a related party transaction and is preliminarily estimated to be a significant asset restructuring.

Cashway Fintech, which has seen three consecutive trading limit-up sessions, faces the risk of performance losses.

Cashway Fintech issued a public announcement regarding abnormal fluctuations in stock trading. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, it is confirmed that there are no major issues or important information that should have been disclosed but were not. The company faces the risk of performance losses, and investors are advised to make rational investments.

Investment & Signing

Sanxin Medical: plans to invest 0.5 billion yuan to build a high-performance blood purification equipment and supporting consumables industrialization project.

In an announcement by Sanxin Medical, the company plans to use its own funds of approximately 0.5 billion yuan to build a 'high-performance blood purification equipment and supporting consumables industrialization project' in Xiaolan Economic Development Zone, Nanchang County, Jiangxi Province. The new project is planned to have a construction period of 3 years, focusing on the construction of high-performance blood purification medical equipment and supporting consumables clean production plants, as well as corresponding production and living facilities. The project funding will come from the company's own funds and bank loans. The company stated that this investment will serve as strategic resource reserve for the company, leverage the competitive advantages in the industry, and help achieve the strategic goal of entering the top tier of global blood purification enterprises. However, there are uncertainties in the project construction, including the acquisition of land use rights, financial risks, and the impact of factors such as market environment.

New JCM Group: accepts a perpetual bond investment of 77 million yuan from its controlling shareholder, SGSG Science&Technology.

Announcement from new jcm group, based on the high recognition of the company's long-term value and future development prospects, the major shareholder Suicheng Technology made a perpetual bond investment in the company. On September 24, 2024, the company accepted the third-phase perpetual bond investment from Suicheng Technology under the aforementioned "Perpetual Bond Investment Agreement", amounting to 77 million yuan. This increase in perpetual bond investment is beneficial for optimizing the company's asset-liability structure, enhancing risk resistance, and contributing to the company's long-term development.

Guangli Microelectronics: plans to invest in Shenzhen Huaxinsheng Software Technology Co., Ltd. to accelerate its layout in the EDA field.

Guangli Micro announcement, to further accelerate the company's ecological layout in the EDA field, enhance core competitiveness, the board of directors of the company agreed to subscribe for an additional registered capital of Shenzhen Huaxinsheng Software Technology Co., Ltd. with its own funds of 18 million yuan. In addition, the company also intends to invest in setting up a holding subsidiary engaged in the research and development of simulation-type EDA tools, with the intention to collectively control 80% of the equity of the target company.

Equity Changes

Yeal Electric: a shareholder intends to transfer 5.99% of the shares by agreement.

Yeal Electric announced that Yeal Investment and Wang Ping, shareholders holding more than 5% of the company, signed a Share Transfer Agreement on September 24, 2024. Yeal Investment intends to transfer 4,710,000 shares of the company's unrestricted tradable shares to Wang Ping through the agreement, accounting for 5.99% of the total share capital of the company and 6.03% after excluding the shares held by the company's repurchase special account. After this agreement transfer, Yeal Investment's shareholding proportion will decrease to 1.01% and will no longer be a shareholder holding more than 5% of the company. Wang Ping will become a shareholder holding more than 5% of the company. This equity change will not lead to a change in the company's controlling shareholder or actual controller, nor will it have a significant impact on the company's financial position and ongoing operations. This share transfer still requires compliance confirmation from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the transfer procedures to be handled by the Shenzhen branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited, with uncertainties regarding final completion.

Sinomach General Machinery Science & Technology announced plans to pre-list the transfer of 100% equity of its wholly-owned subsidiary, Guan Industry Company.

Sinomach General Machinery Science & Technology announcement, in order to optimize the company's management structure, reduce management costs, and improve overall operational efficiency, the company plans to transfer 100% equity of its wholly-owned subsidiary Anhui Guotong High-tech Pipe Industry Co., Ltd. through public listing and transfer through the Shanghai United Property Exchange. The proposed listing matter has completed the state-owned assets approval procedures. This pre-listing is for information disclosure only and does not constitute a trading behavior. The trading party, transaction price, payment method, and other main transaction contents are currently undetermined.

Increase or Decrease of Shareholding & Share Repurchase

Suzhou Hengmingda Electronic Technology announced that Jing Shiping, the controlling shareholder and actual controller, plans to reduce his shareholding by no more than 3% of the company's shares.

Suzhou Hengmingda announcement, the company's controlling shareholder, actual controller Jing Shiping plans to reduce the company's shares by no more than 7,650,511 shares (i.e. no more than 3.00% of the total share capital after excluding the shares held in the company's repurchase special account) within 3 months after 15 trading days from the date of this announcement, through centralized bidding and block trading. The reasons for the reduction are personal fund needs and repayment of pledged financing. Among them, the reduction through centralized bidding method shall not exceed 1.00% of the total share capital, and the reduction through block trading method shall not exceed 2.00% of the total share capital. The reduction period is from October 25, 2024 to January 24, 2025.

Guangdong VTR Bio-Tech announced that its controlling shareholder, Jinda Earth Investment, plans to reduce its shareholding by no more than 2% of the company's shares.

Guangdong VTR Bio-Tech announcement, major shareholder Golden Land Investment plans to reduce its holdings of the company's shares by no more than 9.58 million shares within 3 months after 15 trading days from the disclosure date of the announcement, that is, not more than 2.00% of the total share capital of the company excluding the shares held in the company's repurchase special securities account. The reason for the reduction is the shareholder's own fund needs, and the reduction price will be determined based on market prices. The implementation of this reduction plan will not result in a change in the company's control, nor will it affect the company's governance structure and ongoing operation.

Financing & Private Placement

Midea Group: Fully exercised the over-allotment option.

midea group co., ltd announcement, approved by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the company's 0.566 billion H shares stocks (before exercising the over-allotment option) were listed and traded on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on September 17, 2024. According to this issuance plan, the company agrees for the overall coordinator to fully exercise the over-allotment option on September 25, 2024, issuing 84.8932 million H shares at a price of HK$54.80 per share. After the full exercise of the over-allotment option mentioned above, the H shares issued this time increased from 0.566 billion shares to 0.651 billion shares.

Yankuang Energy: Controlling shareholder Shandong Energy issued exchangeable corporate bonds.

Yankuang Energy announcement, on September 24, the controlling shareholder Shandong Energy's wholly-owned subsidiary Yankuang Group (Cayman) Limited as the issuer, with Shandong Energy as the guarantor, used 0.283 billion H shares of stocks held by Yankuang in Hong Kong as the underlying stocks, to price and issue exchangeable corporate bonds on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the issuance of the exchangeable bonds has been completed for bookbuilding pricing, but delivery has not yet been completed.

Contracts & Project Bids

Yangdian Technology: Signed a 0.103 billion yuan transformer procurement contract.

Yang Electric Technology announced that the company signed a transformer procurement contract with a customer, stipulating that Yang Electric Technology will provide transformers to the customer. The total contract amount (tax included) is 103.2631 million yuan. The company has the ability to fulfill the contract, with funds, personnel, technology, and production capacity all ensuring the smooth execution of the contract. The fulfillment of the contract will have a positive impact on the company's operational performance in 2024. This is the first time the company's americas distribution transformer products have exceeded tens of thousands in a single batch, laying a foundation for the company's future large-scale overseas product expansion.

Huada Automotive Technology Corp.,Ltd: It has newly acquired 17 designated customer projects, with a total expected amount of 3.741 billion yuan.

Huada Automotive Technology Corp.,Ltd announced that the company has added 17 fixed-point customer projects, with a total estimated amount of 3.741 billion yuan. Among them, there are 15 fixed-point projects for body parts, with a total estimated amount of 2.534 billion yuan; and 2 fixed-point projects for battery box trays, with a total estimated amount of 1.207 billion yuan. These projects are expected to have a positive impact on the company's future revenue and operational efficiency.

Hang Zhou Radical Energy-saving Technology: Received customer designated notice and will enter its car rim bearing assembly product supply system as a secondary supplier.

Hang Zhou Radical Energy-Saving Technology announced that the company recently received a designated notification from a large domestic automotive group, becoming its secondary supplier to enter the car rim bearing assembly product supply system through Zhejiang Asia-Pacific Mechanical & Electronic. This project marks the customer's recognition of the company's continuous innovation capabilities, research and development strength, product quality, and production capacity, which will have a positive impact on the company's further expansion into the new energy autos market. However, the specific sales quantity and amount for this project will be based on the final signing of the formal contract. It is expected to have no significant impact on the company's revenue and profit levels for the current year. The actual supply volume may be affected by factors such as the automotive factory's mass production process, market acceptance, and the launch of competitive car models, leading to uncertainties.

Other products

Sansure Biotech Inc.: The human papillomavirus nucleic acid detection kit is approved to increase the expected applications such as cervical cancer screening.

Sansure Biotech Inc. announced that the company's product, the human papillomavirus nucleic acid detection kit (PCR-fluorescent probe method), recently received the 'Medical Devices Change Registration (Filing) Document' issued by the National Medical Products Administration. It has officially been approved to add expected uses for cervical cancer screening, cervical cancer combined screening, and ASC-US population triage. This product is also currently the only screening product in the country covering 15 common high-risk types of HPV.

Jilin Expressway: The actual controller of the company was changed from Jilin Province Transportation Department to Jilin Province State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

Announcement from Jilin Expressway: According to the notice issued by the General Office of the Jilin Provincial Government, the actual controlling entity of the company has been changed from the Jilin Provincial Department of Transportation to the Jilin Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. This change is carried out in accordance with the unified adjustment by government departments and will not have any impact on the company's governance and business operations. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Management Measures for the Acquisition of Listed Companies," this change of actual controlling entity can be exempt from issuing a tender offer.

Angel Yeast Co., Ltd.: After a general safety accident occurred in its holding subsidiary Hongyu Packaging Materials, it has completed rectification and resumed operation.

Angel Yeast Co., Ltd. announced that its holding subsidiary Hongyu Packaging Materials experienced a general safety accident, and has conducted a comprehensive investigation of the accident risks in strict accordance with the requirements of the higher regulatory authorities and implemented rectification. On September 25, 2024, Hongyu Packaging Materials received the 'Rectification Review Opinion' issued by the Emergency Management Bureau of Yiling District, Yichang City, confirming that the rectification has been completed as required, and the suspended equipment can resume normal production. This incident has not caused a significant impact on Hongyu Packaging Materials and the company's production and operation. The company will learn from this experience, fully implement the main responsibility for production safety, and ensure the safe, continuous, and stable operation of production and operation.

Jilin Aodong: Holding subsidiary obtains pharmaceutical registration certificate.

Jilin Aodong announced that its holding subsidiary Yanji Pharmaceutical received the 'Drug Registration Certificate' for Levofloxacin Eye Drops issued by the National Medical Products Administration. The indications include eyelid inflammation, meibomian gland inflammation, lacrimal sac inflammation, conjunctivitis, etc. The holding subsidiary Yanbian Pharmaceutical obtained 14 'Chinese Medicine Granule Formula Listing Certificates.'

Nanjing King-Friend Biochemical Pharmaceutical: Subsidiary's product Fluorouracil Injection approved by the US FDA.

Nanjing King-Friend Biochemical Pharmaceutical announced that its subsidiary Jianjin Pharmaceuticals recently received the Fluorouracil Injection approved by the US FDA, a pharmacy bulk package of 2.5g/50mL (50mg/mL) ANDA approval notice (ANDA No.: 216494). The drug is suitable for the treatment of breast and digestive system (colorectal, rectal, gastric, pancreatic) glandular cancer. The company stated that the newly approved product will be scheduled for launch and sales in the United States in the near future, which is expected to have a positive impact on the company's operating performance.

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