

Darikap (301566.SZ): By mastering the full process manufacturing technology and process of RF microwave MLCC, it has formed a solid technological barrier.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Sep 25, 2024 16:40

Great Wisdom on September 25th | Dalikapu (301566.SZ) stated at an investor relations event that mastering the RF microwave MLCC full-process manufacturing technology and process has created a solid technical competitive advantage. The production process of MLCC products is complex, with multiple manufacturing steps. In the dry lamination process, it is necessary to go through more than ten interlocking processes such as ceramic slurry batching, lamination, printing, stacking, sintering, etc. Each process involves specific formulas, processes, and equipment adjustments to ensure product quality and consistency. After many process steps, achieving high-quality, high consistency, high yield, and a variety of models is quite challenging. The company has accumulated over the years and developed the key technologies, research and development design, and manufacturing processes mentioned above, making it difficult for new entrants in the industry to quickly master and achieve mass production in the short term. By mastering the RF microwave MLCC full-process manufacturing technology and process, the company has created a solid technological barrier.

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