
大行评级丨花旗:iPhone 16系列在不同地区交货时间出现波动 予苹果“买入”评级

Citi: iPhone 16 series delivery times fluctuate in different regions, giving Apple a "buy" rating.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Sep 24 23:03  · Ratings

Citigroup pointed out in its report on Monday that there have been some fluctuations in the delivery times of Apple's latest iPhone 16 series in different regions. The analyst at the bank, Atif Malik, mentioned in an investor report that data tracked on September 20 showed an average one-week extension in delivery times for the two base models globally compared to September 13. He gave Apple a "buy" rating and set a target price of $255. The analyst noted that the delivery times for the iPhone 16 Pro model increased by 3 to 7 days in the USA, UK, and India, while decreasing by approximately 12 days in China. As for the Pro Max model, delivery times remained unchanged in the USA and UK, increased in India, and decreased in China.

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