v.s. int'l (01002.HK) announced its interim performance for the 12 months ended July of this year, with revenue of 56.044 million yuan RMB (hereinafter), down 26.7% year-on-year. The loss narrowed to 9.502 million yuan, a decrease of 22.32 million yuan from the same period last year; loss per share was 0.41 cents. No dividend.
The company has resolved to change the fiscal year-end from July 31 to December 31. The company's next fiscal year-end will be December 31, and the next set of audited consolidated financial statements will cover a period of 17 months from August 1 of last year to December 31 of this year. Therefore, the company's second interim financial statements cover the 12 months ended July together with comparative figures covering the 12 months ended July of last year.