

Harris caught up later? The approval rating has continued to rise, now leading Trump comprehensively. ·  Sep 23 11:27

Recent polls show that Harris' approval rating has significantly increased in both the United States as a whole and in key swing states, surpassing Trump. Economists analyze that although Harris is the Vice President, she has successfully avoided public criticism of the Biden administration's policies, and some of her campaign promises have won support from voters.

After Vice President Harris officially replaced Biden as the Democratic presidential candidate, this previously "low-key" vice president has started to appear frequently in the sights of the American people.

In the presidential television debate on September 10th this year, Harris performed better than Trump. Additionally, recent news about the U.S. economy has been more positive, with the Federal Reserve significantly cutting interest rates, which has significantly improved Harris' approval rating.

Recent polls show that Harris' approval rating has significantly increased in both the United States as a whole and in key swing states, surpassing Trump. This indicates that her chances of winning in the upcoming election are gradually expanding.

Harris' approval rating has significantly increased.

According to a recent survey by the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) on Sunday, Harris is leading Trump by a 5-point margin. The survey found that since she became the Democratic presidential candidate, respondents have significantly improved their perception of her.

NBC conducted a poll of 1,000 registered voters from September 13th to 17th, with a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

The poll shows that when asked about their opinion of Harris after she became the nominee, 48% of the people expressed positivity, compared to 32% in July. The last time a U.S. politician's approval rating saw such a significant increase was after the September 11th terrorist attacks in 2001, during President Bush's tenure.

When asked about Trump, 40% of respondents said they had a positive attitude towards him, compared to 38% in July.

Harris's approval rating surpasses Trump's?

Similar trends were also found in various polls conducted on other different platforms.

The American Columbia Broadcasting Company (CBS) conducted a survey of 3129 registered voters from September 18 to 20. The survey showed that Harris's support has increased since August: in August of this year, a CBS poll showed Trump and Harris with equal support at 50% each. Now, Harris leads Trump by 4 percentage points among American voters, with 52% to 48% respectively.

The latest Guardian poll also showed similar results. According to the average of 10 days of polling data from The Guardian until September 19, Harris's lead over Trump has expanded to 2.6 percentage points, with support rates of 48.5% to 45.9%.

A poll conducted by Morning Consult on over 11,000 respondents shows Harris leading Trump by 51% to 45%, giving her the largest polling support lead since replacing Joe Biden as the Democratic presidential candidate.

According to the aggregated polling data from several polling institutions, the fivethirtyeight polling platform shows that Harris is now leading Trump nationwide with a support rate of 48.4% compared to Trump's 45.5%.

Harris also has the upper hand in key swing states.

Although the national poll provides an important signal reflecting the voters' views, in the final election, the winner is determined by the results of the electoral college in each state. This means that the voting results in a few battleground states could be the key factor in deciding the balance of victory.

However, polls show that in key battleground states, Harris seems to have a leading advantage: The New York Times/Siena poll shows that Harris leads Trump in Pennsylvania with a 50%-46% advantage. Many commentators believe that Pennsylvania is the most important swing state in determining the outcome of this election.

The results of a poll conducted by Quinnipiac University in the United States also show similar results: Harris leads Trump in Pennsylvania with a 51% to 45% advantage.

In addition, the poll from Quinnipiac University also shows that Harris is similarly leading Trump in the neighboring battleground states of Michigan and Wisconsin, with leads of 5 percentage points and 1 percentage point, respectively.

Amy Walter, the publisher and editor-in-chief of the nonpartisan election prediction institution Cook Political Report, stated in an interview, "She (Harris) has been able to turn this election from a referendum on Joe Biden into a referendum on Donald Trump."

Economist and author of the morning consulting firm's research report, Sofia Baig, analyzed that although Harris is the Vice President, she has successfully avoided public criticism of the Biden administration, and some of her campaign promises have won the support of voters.

"Although many voters are dissatisfied with the current economy, they believe that Vice President Harris has less responsibility to bear compared to President Biden," she wrote. "Throughout the election cycle, voters have consistently expressed that they believe former President Trump is better equipped to handle economic issues than Biden, but Harris has narrowed this gap."


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