
港股异动 | 海信家电(00921)涨近4% 机构指空调出口连续多月超市场预期 上半年白电排产积极

Hong Kong stocks surge | Hisense Ha (00921) rose nearly 4%, institutions point out that air conditioner exports have exceeded market expectations for several months in the first half of the year, with active production of white goods.

Zhitong Finance ·  Sep 23 09:39

Hisense Ha (00921) rose nearly 4%. As of the time of writing, it rose 3.95% to HKD 23.7, with a turnover of 10.9887 million Hong Kong dollars.

According to the Zhongtong Finance APP, Hisense Ha (00921) rose nearly 4%. As of the time of writing, it rose 3.95% to HKD 23.7, with a turnover of 10.9887 million Hong Kong dollars.

Sinolink Research Reports states that according to the industry online data, the domestic sales volume of household air conditioners in August this year was 7.54 million units, down 5.4% year-on-year; the export sales volume was 5.52 million units, up 31.5% year-on-year. It is expected that the inventory of air conditioners will soon be depleted, and domestic sales volume is expected to increase year-on-year in the near future, and it is expected that white appliance retail performance will be good in September. From 2023 to the first half of 2024, the export of electric appliances will continue to improve, and the export of air conditioners will exceed market expectations for several months in the summer of 2024 due to overseas high temperatures.

Sinolink Securities pointed out that the overall performance of the home appliance sector has outperformed the market since 2024. In terms of sub-sectors, the cumulative increase in white appliances has outperformed, while small appliances have remained relatively stable, and the black appliances and kitchen appliances have been under pressure. In the first half of 2024, white appliances production is positive, with relatively stable domestic sales volume, and the export chain continues to exceed expectations due to replenishment in Europe and America + demand from emerging markets.

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