
骆驼股份(601311.SH):董事路明完成减持 累计被动减持437万股

格隆汇 ·  Jan 8, 2020 17:45

Gelonghui, January 8 | Camel Co., Ltd. (601311.SH) Announced that before the implementation of the current shareholding reduction plan, company director Lu Ming held 10.8084 million shares of the company, accounting for 1.16% of the company's total share capital, of which the number of pledged shares was 10.8084 million shares.

As of January 7, 2020, director Lu Mingzhan has passively reduced his holdings of the company's shares by 4.37 million shares through centralized bidding transactions, accounting for 0.51% of the company's total share capital, and has reached the limit of the number of shares planned to be reduced. The implementation of this holdings reduction plan has been completed.

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