
美国大选胜负难分 《大空头》原型撤回“特朗普100%胜选”预言

The outcome of the US election is uncertain. The prototype of 'The Big Short' retracts the prediction of '100% victory for Trump'.

Zhitong Finance ·  Sep 20 15:30

Eisman retracts the prediction of '100% Trump's victory' and states that he 'doesn't know' who will win the US presidential election.

According to 36Kr APP, Steve Eisman, the prototype of 'The Big Short' and a senior portfolio manager at Neuberger Berman, retracts the prediction of '100% Trump's victory' and states that he 'doesn't know' who will win the US presidential election. However, he mentioned that the market will perform well under any circumstance, except for a complete victory by the Democratic Party.

Eisman stated on Thursday: 'I retract the prediction.' He mentioned President Biden's decision to withdraw from the campaign. In July of this year, he stated that Trump would win regardless of the situation.

Eisman, 62, is known for successfully shorting subprime mortgages before the 2008 financial crisis. He is also the real-life prototype of Mark Baum, one of the main characters in the movie 'The Big Short'.

He stated that if the Democratic Party wins both houses of Congress and the presidency, 'the market will sharply decline' because the market expects an increase in taxes. If Harris wins, but the Democratic Party does not achieve a complete victory, the market will 'improve'.

If Trump wins, regardless of what happens in Congress, the stock market will rise because investors will see tax cuts as inevitable.

Eisman stated that a Harris win will boost cecep solar energy stocks, which have underperformed partly due to fundamental factors and political concerns.

Esman reiterated his earlier comments that the main themes in his investment portfolio are artificial intelligence (AI) and technology, as well as infrastructure.

"These are the best stories," Esman said. "During times of economic prosperity, people care about stories, and during times of economic downturn, people care about balance sheets, and we are in the storytelling era."

Support for technology giants

In July, Esman strongly endorsed large tech stocks, stating that the prosperity driven by artificial intelligence applications on smartphones and personal computers will drive the growth of large US tech stocks in the coming years. The improvement of this technology will prompt consumers to purchase new hardware, thereby boosting the stock prices of Apple (AAPL.US), Nvidia (NVDA.US), Microsoft (MSFT.US), and Oracle (ORCL.US). Esman stated that he holds a "significant" amount of Nvidia stock.

He said on Thursday that the outlook for the banking industry is not optimistic.

"I don't have anything against traditional banks, they are well-capitalized, stable, and safe, but can you come up with a story and tell yourself you want to own a bank?" he said.

Esman also stated that investors are too focused on the Federal Reserve's actions and believes that the potential health of the economy is much more important.

Esman said, "People have spent a lot of money and time trying to figure out what God - sorry, Powell - is going to do." He was referring to Federal Reserve Chairman Powell and the Fed's decision on Wednesday to cut interest rates by 50 basis points. He said, "The state of the economy is what matters. If the economy is doing well, you can buy stocks. If the economy is in a recession, you shouldn't buy. Everything else is just propaganda."

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