
波音(BA.US)迎来好消息!中国租赁公司订购50架737 MAX飞机

Boeing (BA.US) has received good news! A Chinese leasing company has ordered 50 737 MAX aircraft.

Zhitong Finance ·  Sep 19 19:35

CDB Leasing (01606) announced on Thursday that it will purchase 50 Boeing (BA.US) 737 Max 8 jets, which is the company's second substantial order in a week.

It was reported on the Futu Finance app that CDB Leasing (01606), a financial leasing company under the China Development Bank, announced on Thursday that it will purchase 50 Boeing (BA.US) 737 Max 8 jets, which is the company's second substantial order in a week.

This order could boost Boeing, as the company is facing a decline in orders from China and is grappling with labor strikes and quality issues.

CDB Leasing stated that in order to optimize its fleet structure and increase the proportion of aircraft with leading technology, high fuel economy, and wide market presence, the company has reached an agreement with Boeing for the purchase of aircraft. The company expects to receive these aircraft between 2028 and 2031.

As of the time of writing, Boeing's pre-market trading has risen by 1.22%. The stock has fallen by over 40% since the beginning of the year.

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