
大行评级|高盛:携程仍是中国休闲/旅游领域的首选之一 维持目标价517港元

Goldman Sachs: Ctrip is still one of the preferred choices in the leisure/tourism industry in China, maintaining a target price of HK$517.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Sep 19 14:43  · Ratings

On September 19, Goldman Sachs released a research report stating that due to the more elastic demand for tourism compared to broader domestic consumption, they maintain a forecast of 16% compound annual growth rate for Ctrip Group from 2024 to 2027. At the same time, Goldman Sachs noted Ctrip Group's dominant position in outbound tourism in China and its expansion through its platform. Ctrip Group remains one of Goldman Sachs' top choices in the leisure/tourism sector in China, with a forecast of a 13 times and 11 times price-to-earnings ratio for the next two years, and a target price of HKD 517 and a "buy" rating. The report pointed out that Ctrip Group's management stated that they hope to become a leading online travel agency (OTA) in Asia in the next five years, with a projected revenue balance of 50% from China and overseas, currently at approximately 65%/35%.

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