
美股异动丨威富集团一度涨超8.3% 获巴克莱上调目标价及评级

US stocks news: vf corp rose more than 8.3% at one point, and was given a target price and rating upgrade by barclays.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Sep 18 22:13  · Ratings

Gelonghui, September 18 | VFC.US (VFC.US), the parent company of sports brand Vans, rose more than 8.3% at the beginning of the session, hitting a high of $19.93. According to the news, Barclays Bank analyst Adrienne Yih raised the target price of Weifu Group from 19 US dollars to 22 US dollars, and the rating from “neutral” to “increase holdings,” indicating that positive sales and inventory inflection points and other catalysts will boost stock prices. Analysts believe that starting in the fall of 2024, under CEO Bracken Darrell's leadership, Weifu Group will see the positive impact of change across the organization and accelerate in 2025.

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