

Qingxi Medical (01406): Mo Cuiyu filed for bankruptcy against a director of the company.

Zhitong Finance ·  Sep 18, 2024 18:58

Clear Medical (01406) announced that the company received notification from Executive Director Dr. Yip Wai Yip (Dr. Yip), indicating that recently he learned...

Smart Financial News App, Clear Medical (01406) announced that the company received notification from Executive Director Dr. Yip Wai Yip (Dr. Yip), indicating that recently he learned that Dr. Mo Cuiyu (Dr. Mo) has filed for bankruptcy in the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The hearing is scheduled for September 17, 2024. On September 17, 2024, the High Court has postponed the hearing to October 29, 2024.

The filing is a private matter between Dr. Yip and Dr. Mo. The company is not a party to the filing and does not bear any responsibility related to the filing.

The board of directors confirms that the functions of the board of directors and the normal operation of the company have not been adversely affected by the filing.

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