
美股异动丨房多多盘前涨超2.4% 央行有关部门表示将进一步降低居民信贷成本

Fangdd Network rose more than 2.4% before the market. The relevant departments of the central bank stated that they will further reduce the cost of residential crediting.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Sep 18 17:06

On September 18th, Fangdd Network (DUO.US) rose more than 2.4% in pre-market trading, reaching $0.425. On the news front, relevant personnel in the central bank said that in the next step, monetary policy will be more flexible, moderate, precise, and effective. The regulatory efforts will be intensified, and the implementation of financial policy measures that have already been launched will be accelerated. Some incremental policy measures will be introduced, further reducing enterprise financing and household credit costs.

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