

The stock price doubled in three trading days! The Hong Kong stock market has once again seen "monster stocks".

Securities Times ·  Sep 16 15:52

Today, while the A-share market and overseas stock markets are generally closed, the Hong Kong stock market is trading as usual. As of the time of writing, the Hong Kong stock market has seen a slight increase in the afternoon, with all three major indexes rising slightly. Among them, there have been some stocks in Hong Kong experiencing extreme fluctuations.

NIO-SW in the Hong Kong stock market has risen sharply, with a intraday increase of nearly 5%. On September 15th, NIO announced an adjustment to its battery swapping service fee charging model, changing from a fixed price model to a charging model based on electricity consumption. The cost of a single battery swap is calculated by multiplying the electricity consumption fee and the battery swapping service fee by the amount of electricity exchanged.

Recently, there have been extreme ups and downs in some individual stocks in the Hong Kong stock market. For example, Yimingangke-B's stock price surged again this morning, with a intraday increase of over 60%. In just 3 trading days, the stock price has doubled. However, prior to this, the stock price experienced a drastic plunge starting from September 5th, with the price halving in just 2 trading days.

NIO surged nearly 5% intraday.

$NIO-SW (09866.HK)$ NIO rose significantly, with an intraday increase of nearly 5%, and as of the time of writing, it is up 3.5% at HKD 42.9.

According to media reports, on September 15th, NIO announced an adjustment to its battery swapping service fee charging model, changing from a fixed price model to a charging model based on electricity consumption. The cost of a single battery swap is calculated by multiplying the electricity consumption fee and the battery swapping service fee by the amount of electricity exchanged.

NIO officially released answers to frequently asked questions, details are as follows:

Is the electricity service fee different for each station? How do I know when it's the cheapest?

The electricity service fees may vary at different stations and also during different time periods throughout the day. NIO App is currently being iterated to support filtering nearby stations based on fees and optimize the display of related charges. Users can continue to follow the product iteration progress.

How often is the electricity service fee adjusted?

The electricity service fee is adjusted once a month in the short term. The electricity fee is adjusted based on the national grid price. Everyone can pay attention to the price changes at the stations they frequently visit.

Can the free service fee voucher still be used?

Yes, the free service fee voucher can be used to offset the electricity service fee for one battery swap.

Will unlimited battery swap users be affected?

No, unlimited battery swap users can still settle orders using the free battery swap privilege.

Is Ledeo also using this charging model?

Yes, Ledeo Motors will also continue to use this charging model for battery swaps.

Yiming Angke's stock price doubled in three trading days! Previously, the stock price was halved in two trading days.

Recently, some individual stocks experienced large fluctuations.

For example, $IMMUNEONCO-B (01541.HK)$ This morning, the stock price skyrocketed again, with an intraday increase of over 60%, and it is now up more than 36%. In just the past three trading days, the stock price of this company has doubled.

On the evening of September 13, Yiming Angke-B issued a voluntary announcement regarding the transfer of shares to a subsidiary company. According to the announcement, on September 13, 2024 (after the trading hours on the Stock Exchange), the company entered into a share transfer agreement with Jiaxing Changxin. Under this agreement, Jiaxing Changxin agreed to acquire and the company agreed to transfer the target company's (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company) 7.0% equity, with a consideration of RMB 1.4 million yuan. After the completion of the transaction, the company will hold 93.0% of the target company's equity, and the target company will continue to operate as a non-wholly-owned subsidiary of the company.

The announcement stated that as of the announcement date, Jiaxing Changxin is a limited partnership enterprise, managed by its executing partner Jiaxing Hanneng, and Jiaxing Hanneng is ultimately controlled and holds approximately 0.1% of the partnership interest in Jiaxing Changxin. Jiaxing Changxin has two limited partners, including Dr. Tian, holding approximately 71.33% of the partnership interest in Jiaxing Changxin, and Dr. Zheng Qian, holding approximately 28.57% of the partnership interest in Jiaxing Changxin. Dr. Tian serves as an executive director, CEO, and one of the controlling shareholders of the company.

Regarding the reasons and benefits of the transfer, the announcement stated that to acknowledge the contributions and efforts of Dr. Tian and Dr. Zheng to the establishment and operation of the target company, and to encourage them to further promote the development of the target company, the company decided to transfer part of the equity of the target company to Jiaxing Changxin, representing Dr. Tian and Dr. Zheng's ownership of the target company. The price was determined through fair negotiation and reference to the target company's assets and business operations at the time of the transfer. Since the target company was established only a few months ago and is in the early stage of development, the company believes that the target company will benefit from Dr. Tian and Dr. Zheng's additional funds, knowledge, experience, and industry insights. Considering the positive impact of the transfer on the operation and development of the target company, it will stimulate the enthusiasm of the target company's management and business team, improve the operational efficiency of the target company, and ultimately have a positive impact on the overall development of the group. The board of directors (including independent non-executive directors) believes (i) the terms of the equity transfer agreement are fair and reasonable, (ii) the equity transfer agreement is made on normal commercial terms or better terms, and (iii) the conclusion of the equity transfer agreement is in the overall interest of the company and its shareholders.

However, it is worth noting that shortly before this surge in stock price, Yiming Angke-B experienced a sharp decline in stock price.

Market data shows that Yiming Angke-B's stock price started to plummet from September 5th, with the stock price halved in just two trading days.

Yiming Angke recently announced receiving further payments under the authorization and cooperation agreements related to IMM2510 and IMM27M from SYNBIOTX. The announcement stated that the board of directors of the company announced that the company has received a recent payment of 5 million USD from SynBioTx. As of the date of the announcement, according to the authorization and cooperation agreements, the company has received a total of 15 million USD in initial and recent payments. Under the authorization and cooperation agreements, the company is expected to receive additional potential near-term payments of up to 35 million USD in the future. The announcement stated that IMM2510 is independently developed by the group, a dual-specific molecule targeting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1), using a single-chain antibody-affinity protein (mAb-Trap) structure. IMM2510 can inhibit angiogenesis, shrink tumors, make tumor cells more sensitive to immune responses, and activate T cells, natural killer cells, and macrophages through blocking the interaction of PD-L1/programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) and inducing Fc-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC)/antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP) activity. IMM27M is a new generation of cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) antibody, with enhanced ADCC activity. It can induce strong immune responses of regulatory T cells with immunosuppressive effects overexpressing CTLA-4, promote the removal of regulatory T cells from the tumor microenvironment (TME), and enhance T cell's anti-tumor response.

The announcement mentioned that SynBioTx Inc. is a company registered in Delaware, USA on July 30, 2024, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of InstilBio, Inc., mainly engaged in clinical research and development. InstilBio, Inc. is a company registered in 2018, headquartered in Dallas, Texas, USA, and listed on the Nasdaq Global Market (NASDAQ: TIL). The company is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing new therapies in drug research.


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