
BioNexus Gene Lab Corp. Signs Strategic Outsourcing Agreement With VITARRAY Global Pte. Ltd. Focusing On The Provision Of MRNA Dynamic Gene Detection Services For The Southeast Asian Market

Benzinga ·  Sep 14, 2024 00:06

BioNexus Gene Lab Corp. (NASDAQ:BGLC, the "Company"))))), an emerging biotechnology company focused on innovative healthcare solutions, is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, MRNA Scientific Sdn. Bhd. ("MRNA Scientific"), has entered into a strategic outsourcing agreement with VITARRAY Global Pte. Ltd. ("Vitarray"), an exempted private company incorporated in Singapore. This agreement focuses on the provision of mRNA dynamic gene detection services for the Southeast Asian market.

Under this agreement, MRNA Scientific will leverage its advanced medical testing facilities located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to provide outsourcing services for Vitarray's mRNA gene detection activities. This collaboration is aimed at enhancing the deployment of advanced molecular diagnostics throughout Southeast Asia, facilitating early disease detection and expanding access to innovative healthcare technologies.

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