
港股概念追踪 |8月中国快递指数同比增长12.6% 快递龙头企业寻求量、质、利三者均衡(附概念股)

Hong Kong stock concept tracking | In August, China's express delivery index increased by 12.6% year-on-year. Leading express delivery companies are seeking balance between volume, quality, and profitability (including concept stocks).

Zhitong Finance ·  13:41

The express logistics industry's Q2 profits have steadily increased, and the expected price increase in the peak season has been realized in advance.

According to CCTV news, it was announced today by the State Post Bureau that China's express development index in August increased by 12.6% year-on-year, and the express market is operating well with improved service quality.

In August, driven by the promotion of the Qixi Festival, the market size grew slightly, and the highest daily business volume of the express industry exceeded 0.46 billion pieces.

In the latter half of the month, with the arrival of the back-to-school season, the demand for stationery purchases and luggage delivery has increased, and the average daily business volume has increased to 0.48 billion pieces.

It is expected that the volume of express deliveries in China in August will increase by about 19% year-on-year, and business revenue will increase by about 11% year-on-year.

According to the Futu Securities research report, the growth in volume-driven revenue has maintained a relatively high growth rate, and the Q2 express industry profits have been released steadily.

Looking ahead to the second half of the year, seasonal price competition may have reached its peak, and the expected price increase in the peak season will be realized in advance. The future competition and changes in the express industry will be a marathon-like process of competing in the ability to reduce costs and improve service quality throughout the entire supply chain.

In the medium to long term, on the demand side, parcel volume is expected to maintain a medium to high growth rate under the influence of consumer downgrade, emerging e-commerce, and the catalysis of return goods; on the supply side, the current industry competition presents a "one super, many strong" pattern, with different companies at various stages of capacity cycles, with industry leaders seeking a balance between volume, quality, and profit.

In the short to medium term, the express delivery industry may find it difficult to achieve the ideal expectation of complete clearance in the end, and is expected to show a phased, locally controllable mild price competition.

Express logistics related companies:

JD Logistics (02618), Sinotrans Limited (00598), ZTO Express-W (02057), ANE Logistics (09956), cn logistics (02130), SF Same City (09699), YTO Intl Exp (06123), Jitu Express (01519), etc.

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