
A股异动丨鑫宏业跌近5% 股东祥禾涌原及其一致行动人拟减持合计不超3%股份

A-share unusual movement | Xinhongye fell nearly 5%, shareholder Xiangheyongyuan and its concerted action person plan to reduce the total shareholding by no more than 3%.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Sep 12 13:42

On September 12th, Xinhongye (301310.SZ) opened low and fell nearly 5% to 20.13 yuan at one point during the trading day. Xinhongye announced yesterday evening that shareholders Xianghe Yongyuan and its concerted action person, Shanghai Xinfeng, plan to reduce their shareholding in the company through centralized bidding and bulk trading within 3 months after 15 trading days following the disclosure of this shareholding reduction plan, with a cumulative reduction of no more than 4,078,141 shares (3% of the company's total share capital).

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