
「COCORO HOME」と新開発のスマートホームゲートウェイを活用したデベロッパー向けの新「スマートホームソリューション」を開発

Developing a new "smart home solution" for developers utilizing "COCORO HOME" and the newly developed smart home gateway.

Sharp ·  Sep 11 23:00

September 12, 2024

Sharp Corp.

By linking with IoT devices compatible with “ECHONET Lite” from multiple manufacturers, such as intercoms, electric locks, and home appliances
Collaborative operation and power saving control of devices throughout the house are possible all at once

Utilizing “COCORO HOME” and a newly developed smart home gateway
Development of a new “smart home solution” for developers


Sharp has developed a new “smart home solution” for developers utilizing the smart home application “COCORO HOME” provided by our company and the newly developed smart home gateway. By linking IoT devices compatible with “ECHONET Lite” from multiple manufacturers, such as intercoms, electric locks, and home appliances, no special construction is required, and integrated power saving control is realized.

As the first step, it has been decided that this solution will be introduced to the smart apartment “Proud Abeno Nishitanabe” (Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, scheduled to be completed in early August 2025) currently being sold by Nomura Real Estate Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President: Daisaku Matsuo; hereafter, Nomura Real Estate Development). The “COCORO HOME” app collaborates not only with AIoT home appliances manufactured by our company, but also with home intercoms (iPhone Co., Ltd.) and electric locks (Shibutani Co., Ltd.). Various services are planned, such as control and monitoring services for housing equipment linked to electric locks, cooperative control with air conditioners that achieve both comfort and power saving, remote control of home appliances and reserved operation settings/changes. Furthermore, it is the first in the industry to respond to power saving requests, starting with ※1 demand response*2, and enables remote operation control, such as automatically changing the temperature settings for air conditioners manufactured not only by our company but also by multiple manufacturers.

Going forward, we will propose this solution to a wide range of developers, contribute to improving the attractiveness and added value of houses such as condominiums and detached houses, and aim to realize a comfortable smart life with energy savings.

■ Main Features

1. No special construction is required, and by linking with “ECHONET Lite” compatible IoT devices from multiple manufacturers, such as home equipment and home appliances, it is possible to link devices throughout the house and perform batch power saving control

2. The industry's first multi-vendor air conditioner control that responds to power saving requests such as demand response enables comfortable energy savings

3. Convenient and energy-saving automatic cooperative control is possible, such as controlling residential equipment linked to opening and closing electric locks and linking with air conditioners

*1 As of 2024/9/12 (according to our research) for remote control of IoT type room air conditioners in response to power saving requests.

*2 Change the consumption pattern on the demand side according to the supply situation in order to balance electricity demand (consumption) and supply (power generation).

Furthermore, this “Smart Home Solution” will be shown to the public at the technology exhibition event “SHARP Tech-Day'24 “Innovation Showcase” to be held at the Tokyo International Forum (3-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) from 9/17 (Tue) to 18 (Wed) this year. Please refer to the following special website for information and registration for “SHARP Tech-Day '24.”


● “AIoT” is a vision that combines AI (artificial intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things), connects everything to artificial intelligence in the cloud, and transforms it into an entity that is close to people. “AIoT” is a registered trademark of Sharp Corporation.

● A wireless LAN connection and a push-button wireless LAN access point device are required to use the various cloud services and voice call functions of the “COCORO HOME” application.

● Cloud speech content and screens are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from reality.

Information about this application can also be viewed on the following website.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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