
大行评级丨摩根大通:台积电第三季度业绩或超过其指引 维持“增持”评级

JPMorgan: Taiwan Semiconductor's third-quarter performance may exceed its guidance, maintaining a 'shareholding' rating.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Sep 11 23:13  · Ratings

GLONGHUI September 11th | TSMC's sales in August increased by about 33% year on year, reaching NT$250.87 billion. J.P. Morgan said that TSMC's revenue in the third quarter so far has reached 68% of J.P. Morgan's expectations. The company's strong sales in August suggest that third-quarter results may exceed its guidance. The bank maintains an “gain” rating on the stock, with a target of NT$1,200. Analysts led by Gokul Hariharan said that due to increased iPhone processor sales and continued strong demand for N3/N5, September revenue is likely to remain stable or increase slightly month-on-month. Analysts believe that due to strong demand for N3 and continued demand for N5 for artificial intelligence accelerators and other high performance computing (HPC) products, TSMC's third-quarter revenue may be slightly higher than the high-end of its guidance range.

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