

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Accelerate the development of mobile Internet of Things from "Internet of Everything" to "Intelligent Connectivity of Everything". ·  Sep 11 20:15

1. The notice is based on the pace of development of the mobile Internet of Things industry, the current status of mobile Internet of Things applications in various industries, and clearly defines the development goals of the mobile Internet of Things. 2. By 2027, based on 4G (including LTE-Cat1, i.e. Category 1 rate of 4G network) and 5G (including NB-IoT, narrowband IoT.

On September 11th, Caixin reported that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the notification on promoting the development of the mobile Internet of Things for "all things smartly connected".

The notice is based on the pace of development of the mobile Internet of Things industry, the current status of mobile Internet of Things applications in various industries, and clearly defines the development goals of the mobile Internet of Things. By 2027, based on 4G (including LTE-Cat1, i.e. the Category 1 rate of 4G network) and 5G (including NB-IoT, narrowband IoT; RedCap, lightweight) are matched in high and low relationships, ubiquitous intelligence connections, a secure and reliable comprehensive mobile Internet of Things ecosystem will be further improved. The 5G NB-IoT network will achieve in-depth coverage of key scenarios. The 5G RedCap will achieve coverage of cities at the county level and above nationwide, extending coverage to key towns and rural areas. The number of terminal connections for mobile Internet of Things strives to exceed 3.6 billion, with the proportion of 4G/5G IoT terminal connections reaching 95%. Support the construction of more than 5 mobile Internet of Things industry clusters nationwide and build more than 10 mobile Internet of Things industry demonstration bases. Cultivate application areas with connections in the hundred million range and create application areas with connections in the tens of millions.

The notice deploys four main tasks: first, to consolidate the foundation of the Internet of Things networks, mainly including strengthening network planning and construction, enhancing network intelligence capabilities; second, to enhance industrial innovation capabilities, mainly including promoting the construction of the standard system, enhancing industrial supply capabilities; third, to deepen intelligent integrated applications, mainly including promoting industrial digital transformation, promoting social governance intelligence, helping people's lives become smarter; fourth, to create a good development environment, mainly including optimizing value assessment methods, improving industry service levels, and improving security protection mechanisms.

Notification on Promoting the Development of the Mobile Internet of Things for the "All Things Smartly Connected"

Provincial, autonomous region, and municipality communications management bureaus, relevant departments of industrial and information technology in provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, China Telecommunications Corporation, China Mobile Communications Corporation, China United Network Communications Group Co., Ltd., China Broadcasting Network Co., Ltd., China Tower Corporation Limited, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, and various related enterprises:

Mobile Internet of Things is a new type of information infrastructure that achieves ubiquitous connections between people, machines, and objects through multi-network collaboration based on mobile communication technology and networks. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the CPC and the second and third plenary sessions of the 20th CPC Central Committee, to implement the relevant arrangements of the overall layout plan for building a Digital China, further deepen the integration of mobile Internet of Things with technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, improve the industry supply level, innovative empowerment capabilities, and overall value of the mobile Internet of Things industry, accelerate the development from 'Internet of Everything' to 'Smartly Connected Everything', help the industry digitize transformation and new industrialization, the following matters are notified.

I. Development Goals

By 2027, the comprehensive ecological system of mobile Internet of Things, based on the high and low combination of 4G (including LTE-Cat1, i.e. speed category 1 of 4G network) and 5G (including NB-IoT, narrowband Internet of Things; RedCap, lightweight), pervasive intelligence, and safe and reliable, will be further improved. The 5G NB-IoT network achieves in-depth coverage of key scenarios. The 5G RedCap achieves coverage in cities at or above the county level nationwide, and extends coverage to key townships and rural areas. The number of terminal connections for mobile Internet of Things is striving to exceed 3.6 billion, with the proportion of 4G/5G Internet of Things terminal connections reaching 95%. Support the construction of 5 or more mobile Internet of Things industry clusters nationwide, and create 10 or more demonstration bases for the mobile Internet of Things industry. Cultivate a number of application areas with billion-level connections and create a number of application areas with tens of millions of connections.

II. Solidify the foundation of the Internet of Things network

(1) Strengthen network planning and construction. Basic telecommunications companies should carry out annual rolling planning for mobile Internet of Things, and moderately advance the construction of mobile Internet of Things networks based on demand. Actively enhance the in-depth coverage of 5G NB-IoT in key areas such as municipal, household, education, and agriculture. Further increase the deployment of 5G RedCap, accelerate the simultaneous opening of new 5G base stations with 5G RedCap, support the completion of 5G RedCap upgrades for existing 5G base stations, and promote the application of industry virtual private networks. Strengthen network monitoring and optimization, and improve network quality in response to the needs of mobile Internet of Things users.

(2) Improve network intelligence. Basic telecommunications companies should accelerate the application and deployment of artificial intelligence technology in the mobile Internet of Things network, promote the internal intelligence of network connections, resource management, and operation and maintenance, and improve the level of network intelligence. Strengthen the adaptation to scenarios such as urban intelligence, low-altitude intelligence, and agricultural intelligence, better meeting the business requirements for high, medium, and low speed, wide area coverage, and enhanced uplink, etc.

III. Enhance industry innovation capabilities

(3) Promote the construction of a standard system. Industry standardization organizations and basic telecommunications companies should strengthen the formulation of terminal standards, accelerate the unified platform model standardization, enhance intelligent connectivity capabilities, and reduce the complexity of adaptation for the upstream and downstream of the industry chain. Encourage basic telecommunications companies to work with leading vertical industry enterprises to jointly develop standards, promote deep integration of mobile Internet of Things across industries. Support the participation of all parties in the industry in the formulation of 5G-Advanced (5G evolution) international standards, carry out research and standardization of technologies such as passive Internet of Things, integrated sensing, 5G TSN (time-sensitive network), high-precision positioning, satellite IoT, and conduct no less than 30 standards for mobile Internet of Things.

(4) Enhance industry supply capabilities. Support basic telecommunications companies and professional companies of the mobile Internet of Things to leverage industry advantages, cultivate leading enterprises with key resources and core capabilities, and form a strong and resilient industrial pattern of cooperation among large, medium, and small, upstream, and downstream enterprises. Encourage chip and module companies to accelerate technological innovation and industrialization. Basic telecommunications companies should strengthen the construction of the Internet of Things platform, leverage the advantage of massive data, explore innovative applications of artificial intelligence large models, and develop smart Internet of Things products. Encourage basic telecommunications companies and Internet companies to open the capabilities of the Internet of Things platform reasonably, reduce the development threshold, promote data collection and effective utilization. Support the construction of mobile Internet of Things industry clusters in various regions and create public service platforms for the development of the mobile Internet of Things industry.

IV. Deepen intelligent fusion applications

(V) Promote the digital transformation of industrial sectors. Basic telecommunications companies need to strengthen cooperation with industrial, transportation, energy, and other enterprises to promote the integrated application of mobile IoT in industrial manufacturing, transportation logistics, and smart grid fields, improving production efficiency and management level. In the industrial internet field, promote the application in typical models such as platform design and networked collaboration, meeting the business needs of key scenarios of '5G + industrial internet' to promote the intelligent transformation of the manufacturing industry. In the field of smart manufacturing, accelerate the application in R&D, production, management and strengthen the support capabilities in scenarios such as human-machine interaction and smart scheduling, meeting the development needs of intelligent manufacturing. In the transportation and logistics field, carry out pilot applications of smart warehousing, smart postal services, and improve transportation efficiency and logistics service quality. In the field of smart grids, improve the full-process application of new energy generation, digital power transmission, smart transformation, smart distribution, and smart electricity utilization, enhancing the controllability of the power system.

(VI) Promote intelligent social governance. Basic telecommunications companies need to leverage industry and technology advantages to support the scale application of mobile IoT in urban management, environmental protection, emergency response, and other fields, enhancing public service capabilities and social governance level. In the field of urban management services, promote the networking and intelligence of municipal public facilities and buildings, deploy smart water affairs, smart meter reading, and urban IoT platforms. In the environmental monitoring field, utilize mobile IoT technology to improve the accuracy and reliability of environmental monitoring data, promoting ecological environmental protection and governance. In the emergency management field, in combination with the production, procurement, reserve, allocation, and transportation of emergency materials, improve the efficiency and accuracy of emergency material management.

(VII) Promote the smartization of people's lives. Basic telecommunications companies need to deepen cooperation with automotive, medical, and home appliance enterprises, promote the application of mobile IoT in smart connected cars, medical health, and smart home fields, promoting more convenient and comfortable lives for the people. In the smart connected car field, drive the application in scenarios such as driving monitoring and autonomous driving, realizing information exchange, complex environment perception, intelligent decision-making, and coordinated control functions, encouraging 5G RedCap in-vehicle application innovation. In the smart medical health field, expand the intelligent application in terminal devices such as blood pressure monitors, blood glucose meters, and wearables, conduct smart medical health equipment and application innovation, and improve health management capabilities and health data analysis. In the smart home field, promote the integrated application in smart terminals such as lighting control, door locks, robots, and security monitoring, enhancing the overall smart service capabilities of homes.

V. Create a favorable development environment.

(VIII) Optimize value assessment methods. Basic telecommunications companies need to comprehensively evaluate the overall value of mobile IoT, reflecting the connection value of mobile IoT cards, hardware terminals, software platforms, and other business carriers, as well as the driving value for business growth such as computing and storage. It is necessary to optimize income statistics, include IoT terminal hardware, platform services, etc. in the communications services revenue, and integrate the driving business income into the statistical scope of mobile IoT business, scientifically and reasonably reflecting the business value of mobile IoT, creating a favorable situation for the healthy development of the mobile IoT industry chain.

(IX) Improve industry service levels. Basic telecommunications companies need to balance the relationship between industry development and the protection of user rights, considerately handle the connection and migration of 4G/5G and 2G/3G mobile IoT services, provide various mobile IoT user services, and meet the demands for user business selection. Improve the user complaint handling mechanism, optimize business processes, and enhance industry service quality. China Academy of Information and Communications Technology is responsible for organizing basic telecommunications companies to map the coverage of mobile IoT networks, publicize network coverage and assist in industry enterprise application innovation and business expansion.

(X) Improve security protection mechanisms. Basic telecommunications companies need to enhance the construction of mobile IoT security protection capabilities, continuously deepen the risk assessment of mobile IoT security. Strengthen the security management of IoT cards, strictly implement security control measures for IoT cards, and improve the security of IoT modules, terminals, and other devices. Strengthen the classification and graded protection of data, guide data processors to strengthen data security protection, risk monitoring, and early warning capabilities, conduct regular data security risk assessments, and continuously improve data security protection levels. Based on national security, scientifically plan the construction and business development of IoT networks, and implement the 'three synchronizations' requirements.

V. Protection measures

(11) Strengthening element guarantee. The local communications administration and the competent departments of industry and information technology should work together with the relevant local industry authorities to formulate supportive policies for network construction, industry application, and industrial development, in order to generate synergy. Leveraging the national platform for industry-finance cooperation to encourage financial institutions to provide diversified investment and financing support for mobile IoT companies and projects. Leveraging the roles of basic telecommunications companies, industry alliances, research institutions, etc., to carry out vocational training, talent certification, and cultivate talents in the field of mobile IoT.

(12) Conduct monitoring and evaluation. The China Academy of Information and Communications Technology should study and establish a monitoring index system for the development of mobile IoT, conduct network capacity testing for mobile IoT, build a coordination platform for mobile IoT applications, and promote the resolution of supply-demand mismatch issues. Basic telecommunications companies should strengthen network construction, optimization, and operation and maintenance work to improve network quality and service. Support the conduct of assessments on the development of 'Internet of Everything' in cities, and promote mobile IoT to empower local development.

(13) Enhance exchange and promotion. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology should continue to organize the collection of typical cases of mobile IoT, select a group of application cases that are technologically advanced, have outstanding effects, and have promising prospects. Enhance the promotion and publicity of typical cases to create a demonstrative effect and play a role in driving empowerment. Support the mobile IoT development formation in carrying out related industrial activities, build a group of mobile IoT technology and application innovation centers, and promote cooperation, exchange, and achievement transformation.

Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

August 29, 2024

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