

According to the "Profit Warning", Human Health (01419.HK) is expected to have a net profit for the year of no more than 25 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease.

AASTOCKS ·  Sep 11, 2024 17:15

Yingjian Medical (01419.HK) is expected to record a net profit not exceeding 25 million yuan for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. The net profit for the same period last year was approximately 0.18 billion yuan.

Based on current information, the decrease in net profit is mainly due to the continued decline in demand and supply for prevention, testing, vaccine administration, and outreach services related to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, resulting in a decrease in revenue for the group's comprehensive medical services; and a decrease in revenue from comprehensive medical services resulting in a decrease in gross profit.

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