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JPMorgan: Target price raised for mainland insurance companies China Life Insurance and China Pacific Insurance.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Sep 11 13:21  · Ratings

Glonghui, September 11 | According to the J.P. Morgan Chase research report, it is recommended to increase the holdings of life insurance stocks after the interim results, indicating that even if life domestic insurance stocks are recovering from a significant decline in valuation, the first half of the year's results reflect that the risk-return ratio of the industry is improving, and China Life Insurance and China Taibao are the first choices. The bank listed the preferred order of its domestic insurance stocks, which were China Life Insurance, China Taibao, China Ping An, Xinhua Insurance, People's Insurance, and China Financial Insurance. The bank downgraded China's financial insurance rating from “neutral” to “reduced holdings”, and the target price was lowered from HK$9.5 to HK$7.3, mainly due to the low underwriting season in the second half of the year and the increase in reinvestment risks due to falling bond yields. The bank raised China Life Insurance's target price from HK$15 to HK$17, with a rating of “increase”; China Taibao's target price was raised from HK$23.6 to HK$29, with a rating of “increase”, and the target price of China Life Insurance rose slightly from HK$0.1 to HK$2.6, with a rating of “neutral”.

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