
交易商協會約談主要內地券商 督促投顧業務規範經營

The Securities Association summoned the main onshore brokerages to supervise the standardized operation of investment advisory business.

AASTOCKS ·  Sep 11 11:46

According to the Association of Interbank Market Traders of China, it has been found that in self-management, some securities firms control client transactions, mix businesses such as self-employment and investment, regulate income and the transfer of benefits between accounts by varying pools of capital Wait for questions.

In order to strengthen the regulation of the bond market and promote the smooth operation of the market, the Traders Association recently discussed the major securities firms to invest in larger businesses, to strictly isolate their business lines, to regulate investment industries and services, and to prevent conflicts of interest and ethical risks.

At the same time, the Association requests that securities firms conduct a thorough self-examination of their investment business and submit all investment agreements to the Association within the prescribed time frame. For securities firms that have not properly reflected the problem, the association will take further voluntary measures as appropriate.

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