
《大行》花旗:內地國慶電影檔預期低基數低 推薦貓眼(01896.HK)

Citigroup: Mainland National Day movie box office expected to be low, recommending Maoyan (01896.HK).

AASTOCKS ·  Sep 11 09:59

Citi released a research report that the 7-day holiday in the Mainland is very important for the local film industry, contributing medium to high units for box office throughout the year, with seven films currently determining their release dates. According to the current lineup, there are not too high expectations for the Yukuoka Holiday season movie box office at RMB2.4 billion to $2.8 billion, implying a year-on-year decline of 12% to 2%. Last year's national holiday period was the second lowest in five years, at $2.7 billion.

The group noted that the Mainland Film Festival is expected to be low and the margins are low. Cat Eye Entertainment (01896.HK) will release three films during the period, plus the company's increased market share in the box office and its leadership in distribution, believes that Cat Eye could be the beneficiary of the festival if the film outperforms expectations.

The series lists its preferred order, followed by Cat's Eye, Ali Pictures (01060.HK), Light Media (300251.SZ), and finally Huayi Brothers (300027.SZ). The cat's eye target price is $9, rated “Buy”; Ali's target price is $0.6, rated “Buy” and is listed as high risk.

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