In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.
■Volume change rate ranking [As of September 11, 10:32]
(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)
Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate
<3903> gumi 3940800 87619.12 304.37% 0.0627%
<4583> Caio 6156700 75683.96 254.34% 0.1568%
<9363> Daun 3426900 318065.84 167.55% -0.0981%
<2841> iF Nas 100H 16708 50610.723 165.78% 0.01%
<6696> Trace OP 330,900 40,805.42 149.97% 0.012%
<6966> Mitsui Height 5,131,100 1,271,404.87 141.38% -0.1606%
<2525> NZAM 225 5,038 444,143.726 138.78% -0.0121%
<6769> Zain 1,599,400 673,419.08 130.16% 0.0158%
<7777> 3D Matrix 2,662,800 137,436.22 107.41% 0.0238%
<5025> Mercury 1,551,000 676,076.36 104.32% 0.2736%
<7683> Double A 45,000 28,670.6 99.34% 0.0077%
<3657> Paul HD 338,000 52,646.58 96.09% 0.0364%
<4811> Dream Arts 72900 79166.74 92.89% 0.0808%
<7794> IDP 160400 74385.64 80.79% -0.0244%
<6145> NITTOKU 337800 255788.16 77.28% 0.0299%
<4598> DELTA-P 144100 48117.5 73.87% -0.0053%
<1367> iFTPXda 19307 374133.822 54.79% -0.0132%
<9610> WilsonWLW 8592000 739544.56 37.7% 0.2761%
<8031> Mitsui Butsu 9154200 22067519.07 34.98% 0.0153%
<8968> Fukuoka Real Estate 25187 2441754.74 33.56% -0.0104%
First A <5588> 96600 76656.16 30.85% 0.0776%
Ridge Eye <5572> 63200 100950.3 30.52% -0.0083%
Marion <3494> 203300 59709.38 28.35% 0.0787%
GXS Divi <2564> 320564 1006080.08 26.38% -0.0107%
Yamaoka Family <3399> 132600 338609.5 25.74% 0.0277%
JDSC <4418> 124700 79860.04 25.63% 0.044%
MTI <9438> 78000 64986.4 25.56% 0.0302%
Endo Teru <6932> 66300 73650.48 25.41% 0.0497%
<4977> Nitta Gelatin 154,100 127,279.04 24.83% 0.0044%
<4543> Terumo 6,801,900 13,402,613.94 24.21% -0.0204%
The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.
Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.