

Alibaba's 25-year-old Jack Ma speaks internally: many businesses are facing challenges and should not lose themselves under competition and pressure.

鳳凰網科技 ·  Sep 10 19:57

On September 10th, on the 25th anniversary of Alibaba's establishment, Jack Ma spoke on the internal network. He mentioned that he sees the resurgence of Internet AI technology and intense competition in various industries. Many of Alibaba's businesses face challenges and the risk of being surpassed. This is expected because no company can always remain number one in any field.

Jack Ma said that only competition can make oneself stronger, make the industry healthier, not to mention that Alibaba has never been a protected company. Alibaba believes in the power of the market and the value of innovation.

Jack Ma also stated that we must always remind ourselves not to lose ourselves in competition and under pressure. The reason why Alibaba is Alibaba is because of its idealistic spirit, belief in the future, belief in the market, and a stronger belief that only companies that create true value for society can persist and complete a 102-year journey.

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