
港市速睇 | 三大指数集体上涨,科指涨0.41%;首日被纳入港股通,阿里涨超4%

Hong Kong Market Watch | The three major indices collectively rose, with the Hang Seng Technology Index rising by 0.41%; on the first day of inclusion in the Hong Kong stock connect, Alibaba's stock rose by over 4%.

Futu News ·  Sep 10 16:26

As of the close, the three major stock indexes in Hong Kong collectively rose, with the Hang Seng Index and the HSI Index rising by 0.22% and 0.39% respectively, ending the 5-day decline. The Hang Seng Tech Index rose by 0.41%.

As of the close, there were 753 gainers and 1,138 decliners in the Hong Kong stock market, with 1,170 stocks unchanged.

The specific industry performance is shown in the following figure:

In terms of sectors, internet technology stocks saw more gainers than decliners, with Alibaba-W rising by 4.21%, Baidu Group-SW rising by 1.33%, Group-SW rising by 1.19%, Netease-S falling by 1.16%, Kuaishou-W falling by 0.76%, and Tencent Holdings falling by 0.70%.

The performance of car stocks is mixed, NIO Inc-SW rose by 9.86%, Li Auto Inc-W rose by 6.33%, Leapmotor fell by 4.17%, Brilliance Chi fell by 2.24%, Xpeng-W rose by 2.01%.

Biomedical stocks were weak, with Wuxi Apptec falling by 10.43%, WuXi Hualian falling by 9.44%, WuXi Biologics falling by 3.88%, and Tigermed falling by 5.12%.

Semiconductor stocks generally fell, with Shanghai Fudan falling by 4.33%, Smart-core rising by 3.20%, Hua Hong Semiconductor falling by 2.68%, Semiconductor Manufacturing International falling by 2.26%, and CE Huada Tech falling by 1.98%.

Photovoltaic stocks fell, xinyi solar fell by 4.42%, xinte energy fell by 3.57%, gcl tech fell by 3.51%, flat glass fell by 2.32%, fuyao glass fell by 1.84%, xinyi glass fell by 1.79%.

Real estate stocks are down, with C&D International Group falling 6.63%, Longfor Group falling 5.42%, China Resources Land falling 4.30%, China Overseas Land & Investment falling 2.97%, and China Vanke falling 2.29%.

In terms of individual stocks, $BABA-W (09988.HK)$ Rising more than 4%, officially included in the Hong Kong stock connect today, Ant Group will distribute dividends to all shareholders.

$NIO-SW (09866.HK)$ Rose nearly 10%, the gross margin of the second quarter exceeded expectations, institutions said there is still room for improvement in future gross margin.

$CENTRAL NEW EGY (01735.HK)$ Rising nearly 7%, net profit for the first half of the year increased by 1.49 times, with strong growth in the new energy sector.

$LAOPU GOLD (06181.HK)$ Surging over 12% to a record high, the company was included in the list of stocks eligible for the Hong Kong Stock Connect program, with net profit in the first half growing by nearly 2 times year-on-year.

$SHANGHAI FUDAN (01385.HK)$ Falling more than 4%, leading the decline in semiconductor stocks, as the US further restricts semiconductor exports.

TOP 10 trading volume today

Hong Kong Stock Connect Fund

As for the Hong Kong Stock Connect program, there was a net inflow of 9.289 billion Hong Kong dollars from the southbound trading today.

Institutional perspective

  • Citi: Uncertainty about the "Biosecurity Act" affects investors' confidence in the CXO sector.

Citi issued a report stating that the US House of Representatives passed the Biosecurity Act, and it is unclear whether the Senate will adopt the House version of the Biosecurity Act, another version, or attach a larger bill to the Biosecurity Act. The bank believes$WUXI APPTEC (02359.HK)$And.$WUXI BIO (02269.HK)$The stock price is undervalued, but the uncertainty affects investors' confidence in the CXO sector.

  • Morgan Stanley: It is expected that Alibaba's entry into the Hong Kong Stock Connect will attract a maximum of $37 billion in funds, maintaining a "synchronized with the market" rating.

摩根士丹利指,$BABA-W (09988.HK)$今日(10日)起获纳入港股通,时间符合预期,估计未来1年将会吸引17 billion至37 billion美元南向资金净流入,持股比例介乎8%至17%,并指近期阿里股价有不少短线催化剂,包括3年整改完成、淘天平台将引入微讯支付,以及即将推出软件服务,估计有助下半年客户管理收入,以及商品交易额增速差距收窄。该行维持阿里巴巴“与大市同步”评级及90美元的目标价。

  • 大摩:比亚迪股份上调全年销售至4 million辆,管理层对出口有信心

摩根士丹利发布研究报告称,$BYD COMPANY (01211.HK)$管理层指,全年销售目标为4 million辆,相比之前目标指引约3.6 million辆,意味着9月至12月每月约为0.418 million辆,相比8月份销量录0.373 million辆。管理层相信下半年的销量和利润上涨主要取决于DM-i 5.0车型。相较于DM-i 4.0机型,5.0车型配备了更高的规格,2025年款宋Plus等以更高的平均售价出售。


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