
港股异动 | 骨科耗材概念股回落 骨科等仍在消化集采降价风险 龙头企业业绩和估值有望逐步修复

Hong Kong stocks fluctuate | Orthopedic consumables concept stocks fall back, while orthopedics and others are still digesting the risk of price reductions in centralized procurement. The performance and valuation of leading enterprises are expected to gr

Zhitong Finance ·  Sep 10 14:54

Orthopedic consumables concept stocks collectively declined. As of press release, Chunli Healthcare (01858) fell 5.35% to HK$6.72; Elken Healthcare (01789) fell 4.7% to HK$3.65; and Minimally Invasive Healthcare (00853) fell 2.34% to HK$4.59.

Zhitong Finance App learned that orthopedic consumables concept stocks have collectively declined. As of press release, Chunli Healthcare (01858) fell 5.35% to HK$6.72; Elken Healthcare (01789) fell 4.7% to HK$3.65; and Minimally Invasive Healthcare (00853) fell 2.34% to HK$4.59.

Zhongtai Securities pointed out that the high-value consumables sector is markedly divided, and booming racetracks such as electrophysiology continue to have a high growth trend, yet collection tracks such as orthopedics are still digesting the risk of price reduction in harvesting. The bank pointed out that under the “exhaustive harvesting” trend, most high-value consumables have now been included in the scope of national or local collection, price reduction pressure continues to be released, and the share of domestic bids for related varieties has increased significantly. It is expected to maintain rapid growth in the future. It is recommended to focus on orthopedic leaders that are about to be collected, and at the same time be optimistic about continued import substitution in the field of electrophysiology.

CITIC Construction Investment pointed out that since the second half of last year, in the context of drastic adjustments in the medical sector, the rise in major medical compliance requirements, and the combined effects of multiple health care reform policies, it is expected that there are factors such as uncertainty about the operations of listed companies. Affected by the increase in medical compliance requirements in the second half of last year, the performance growth rate of many device companies slowed in the second half of last year and the first half of this year, leading to sector adjustments. Judging from the current point of view, enterprises are gradually adapting to the new normal, the impact of volume procurement of high-value consumables in various fields such as electrophysiology, orthopedics, and intraocular lenses is gradually being clarified, and the performance certainty and valuation of relevant leading companies is expected to gradually recover.

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