

The price is driving Adinac right away. Did Li Ning turn it on or did she do it herself?

DT财经 ·  Jan 3, 2020 17:36  · Charts

A sweater sells for 999 yuan, and the maximum price of the newly launched running shoes is 2099 yuan. These price tags do not come from Adidas or Nike Inc, but belong to Li Ning Co. Ltd., who has been in the front row in the rising tide of domestic goods in the past two years.

Although we all know that after stepping on the wave screen of New York Fashion week in 2018, Li Ning Co. Ltd. turned to be Niu Coluo Li Ning Co. Ltd., but the high pricing operation of this big step is still too "slutty".

I conducted a small survey of my friends' views on the high price of Li Ning Co. Ltd.. Our attitudes can basically be divided into two levels: "really fragrant" and "unintelligible". Among them, friends who say "really fragrant" are younger.

What do the majority of netizens think? After turning over Zhihu Inc., the hottest answer under Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's topic comes from "are college students wearing 361C, Anta, Li Ning Co. Ltd. and Hongxingerke really low?" Is the price of Li Ning Co. Ltd. in China falsely high? "two questions. These problems are also a manifestation of the inherent perception of the market: there is a gap between the "low" of the past and the "high price" of the present, and we are still digesting this split.

Today, when the revival of domestic products has become the hottest topic, what kind of attitude does Li Ning Co. Ltd. take to stand in the trend?

Figuring out this problem may also make sense for Chinese brands who want to seize the tide and attack front-line and high-end stations.

There has been a lot of analysis about Li Ning Co. Ltd. in the past two years, with mixed praise and criticism. Coupled with the discussion of detailed data, it may be more solid. For this wave of research data, we ate a lot of financial reports and accessed e-commerce websites and Tiger Pop.

What is Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's pricing level in the sports brand market?

"XX, what level is it? "it is the favorite sentence pattern used in JR posting, and we also ask the first question in this way-what is the level of Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's pricing? We mentioned earlier that Li Ning Co. Ltd. has launched some high-priced products. Have the prices of its other products also increased accordingly?

The pricing of shoes can roughly represent the price level of a sports brand, so we collected information about the shoes on the shelves of Nike Inc, Adidas, Li Ning Co. Ltd. and Anta on an e-commerce platform. including the recent normal price, the lowest price and the number of comments of each shoe model, through the comparison of multiple brands, we would like to roughly take a look at the relative position of Li Ning Co. Ltd. (as it is an e-commerce shoe model, it does not include all kinds of limited and second-light shoes. It may be different from the actual situation of the brand.

Rough comparison of the average price of off-shelf shoes, the order of each brand from high to low is Adidas, Nike Inc, Li Ning Co. Ltd., Anta.


However, the original price does not fully represent the real price level, after all, the discount intensity of each brand is different. Continue to compare everyone's recent lowest price average, we found that Li Ning Co. Ltd. heel Adidas and Nike Inc's price gap further widened.

If you buy them all at the lowest recent price, you can only buy 40 pairs of Adidas and 60 pairs of Nike Inc for 100 pairs of Li Ning shoes-but Li Ning Co. Ltd. is still at the same pace as Anta, and you can buy almost 118pairs of Anta.

If you only look at the average price, you can almost come to the conclusion that there is still a gap between Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's pricing and Adidas and Nike Inc, but it is still a little higher than that of his old friend Anta.

However, if you take a closer look at the distribution of shoes in different price segments, the above statement is not accurate.

It is difficult for us to say whether Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's pricing is high or low. It not only occupies the low price range, but also contributes a lot to the high price range.

According to the recent lowest price and the popularity of shoes, Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's products are mainly concentrated in less than 300yuan, consistent with Anta, while Adidas focuses on the medium-and high-grade Rank of 600,899yuan, while Nike Inc comprehensively covers the range of 300,900 yuan. From the point of view of the human spirit of each Rank, the main buying direction of consumers for each brand is also consistent with the distribution of shoes.


However, in the high-priced Rank of more than 1200 yuan, Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's strength is as heavy as Adidas. Moreover, in terms of discount strength, Li Ning is stronger than Adidas.

Summing up the above points, we think that the low-and high-priced products distributed in the two levels have built up Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's current brand flesh and blood, and it would be more appropriate to use "split" to describe Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's pricing.

Did the splittist Li Ning Co. Ltd. move you?

Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's operation easily reminds us of two other popular Chinese brands, Huawei and Bosideng International: launching high-priced products under the market impression of the public, trying to reshape a high-end brand image.

The similarities are also reflected in some details, such as going to the catwalk at Fashion week, launching new products at the International Consumer Electronics Show, coming back to China to create momentum, and the light of domestic products. Even the main points of high-priced products are vaguely similar.

Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's high-priced shoes mainly include beng, Liejun, reburning, hiking, Wudao, ranger, chasing the Wind, Wade's way, Tomahawk and other series. these shoes can be divided into two types, one belongs to the fashion trend category of "China Li Ning Co. Ltd.", and the other is running shoes, basketball shoes and badminton shoes that can serve professional athletes, focusing on sports professionalism.


(photo caption: from left to right are Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's Feidian athlete running shoes, Tomahawk men's running shoes and 12 men's basketball shoes.)

Think about it, Huawei launched the mate series and p series, but also stepped forward with both professional and fashionable legs.

There is no doubt about the success of Huawei's two series. What about Li Ning Co. Ltd.?

If sports brands want to prove their popularity, they must first break through the level of straight men, so we went directly to the tiger swoop where straight men gather to test Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's popularity among straight men.

We horizontally compared the number of posts posted by Tiger in 2019 with the names of Li Ning Co. Ltd., Anta, Nike Inc and Adidas.


Judging from the number of posts posted on the whole station, the distance between Li Ning Co. Ltd. and Nike Inc is still quite large, but Anta is also left far behind. I count Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's related posts as a Ning, then Nike Inc can be converted into 2 Ning, Adidas is 1.5 Ning, Anta only has 1 Compact 3 Ning.

However, if you look at the number of views and discussions on each post, Li Ning Co. Ltd. and Anta, two domestic brands, are much higher than Nike Inc and Adidas. In other words, there are more topics for discussion with the names of Nike Inc and Adidas, but the discussion under the topics of Li Ning Co. Ltd. and Anta is more enthusiastic.

The discussion about Li Ning Co. Ltd. is mostly focused on the product series, such as Sonic, Wade, Blitz, Wade, Wade, Wade

With the famous posts of Nike Inc and Adidas, many of them hang the words "god", "appraisal" and "true or false". Naturally, the communication between this kind of high-end shoes is not so easy to cause complaints and discussion among straight men-- of course, there is no high-frequency appearance of a certain shoe style in the two brand postings, which actually shows that their shoe series can independently support enough recognition. There is no need to wear brand names when discussing.

However, in any case, this at least proves that Li Ning Co. Ltd. is relying on the product to quickly gather attention.

In addition to the sense of presence in the post, we also found Li Ning Co. Ltd. in the list of Tiger pounce equipment Comprehensive score TOP 100and Hot TOP 100occupied by Nike Inc and Adidas sneakers.

With the great contribution of Wade's way, Li Ning Co. Ltd. has 6 pairs of shoes into the hot list, 5 pairs of shoes into the comprehensive scoring list, and Wade's way Devil Fish rushed to the middle and upper reaches of the rankings in both lists.


Of course, all the attention and popularity will eventually fall on purchasing power before it can be regarded as true love.

At least from the interim results of the past few years, Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's performance is good, revenue and profit growth are accelerating.


Specifically, Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's operating income and gross profit both rose by more than 30% year-on-year in 2019-a figure that seems to be excellent.

But when we took a quick look at the performance of our competitors, we found that Anta had a year-on-year increase of more than 40%, running faster than Li Ning Co. Ltd..

A few months ago, Li Ning Co. Ltd. himself expressed his hope of becoming "first in China, first in Asia and leading in the world" on the 35th floor of the Central Building in Hong Kong.

However, in the face of such an Anta gift bag, which holds many brands and covers all price segments, the revenue is more than twice that of Li Ning Co. Ltd., and the growth rate is even faster. Li Ning Co. Ltd. wants to become the first in China by specializing in the main brand. it's still a little difficult.

Of course, we can't give Li Ning Co. Ltd. some specific strategies, but we can try to find some factors that affect the growth of sports brands.

How far is Li Ning Co. Ltd. from the domestic top card?

If we further dismantle Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's income, we can see that Li Ning Co. Ltd. achieved higher growth in 2019 due to the fact that clothing stabilized the growth in 2018, while footwear suddenly broke out in 2018.


According to Li Ning Co. Ltd. at the performance exchange meeting, categories such as basketball and sports fashion have achieved rapid growth. The representative of basketball is the "way of Wade" series, and the representative of sports fashion is "Li Ning Co. Ltd. of China".

In retrospect, the timing of the growth outbreak of these two series is actually somewhat favored by fate.

"China Li Ning Co. Ltd." first appeared in International Fashion week in February 2018. Because of the linkage effect of the show, Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's clothing and sports fashion categories grew rapidly in the next two years. But this big show that let "China Li Ning Co. Ltd." out of the circle, in fact, Tmall pulled Li Ning Co. Ltd. in preparation for "New York Fashion week Tmall China Day".


(photo caption: "China Li Ning Co. Ltd." made its debut at New York Fashion week in February 2018. )

The outbreak of footwear in the first half of 2019 was partly due to Wade's announcement of retirement, which led to a big wave of purchases. For example, the last dance of Wade's Road 7, which sells for 1999 yuan, is Wade's last pair of sneakers of the same name in service. It sold 5,000 to 6,000 pairs within two days of release, allowing Li Ning Co. Ltd. to earn tens of millions directly.


(photo caption: Wade's way 7 Last Dance Series)

But we note that the biggest move of "China Li Ning Co. Ltd." in 2019 is still last Fashion week, and Wade is unlikely to retire again.

So, if Li Ning Co. Ltd. wants to sprint to the first, where is the growth point of the next outbreak?

The picky from consumers may provide some reference.

In the study, we found that a Tiger JR initiated a vote entitled "do you think Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's product design can be compared with Adinecker?" Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's products were directly targeted at Nike Inc and Adidas, attracting nearly 1500 votes.


The results of the poll showed that the voices of applauding aid and throwing cold water were almost equal.

In contrast to the bipolar attitude of "true fragrance" and "far away", the centrists who do not spray or praise and give both affirmation and opinions account for the majority.

It can be seen that Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's revamped design has been recognized by some people, and consumers have also cast their precious vote with Alipay.



The criticism is mainly focused on the belief that Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's core sports technology and marketing are still far behind first-tier brands.



We looked through Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's interim report and found that its investment in these two items was really not so high, especially in marketing and promotion.


By mid-2019, Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's R & D expenditure as a percentage of revenue has actually increased compared with 2018, which means that more attention has been paid to it-although this ratio still lags far behind that of other companies.

However, the proportion of marketing promotion in revenue is really declining year by year, showing a trend of less and less attention.

For an ambitious, high-end sports brand, these two points should be very important.

Core technology is the cornerstone of competitiveness. Nike Inc founder Phil Knight revealed in his autobiography "Shoe Dog" that he also became famous only after he had the "core technology" in long-distance running products.

And marketing promotion is an indispensable condition to complete the reshaping of brand value.

Zhihu Inc. user Yan Xing said: "the price of shoes = cost + technology + design + feelings + brand value." In fact, the price can not really reflect the strength and value of a pair of sneakers, sometimes the brand value and feelings are far more important than the product itself. "this view has been accepted by 1.1k Zhihu Inc. users.

In terms of brand redefinition, we can review the operations of Bosideng International and Huawei.

Bosideng International puts all the products at different prices on one brand, while Huawei's brands are segmented more finely according to price and positioning, and have completely different ways of playing for different series.

In our previous in-depth article on Bosideng International, in fact, we also mentioned the issue of split pricing and brand reshaping. Bosideng International not only wants to maintain the original consumer demand and stabilize the sales performance, but also wants to use fashion and high-end to capture more young consumers. These two tasks are all carried on the same brand, just like "middle-aged people with waist poles. Eager to keep up with the pace of the times", it is very difficult.

This is also what Li Ning Co. Ltd. is facing now.

However, we are more optimistic about Li Ning Co. Ltd. 's future as a whole.

Behind the outbreak of domestic goods and the national tide is not just a simple filter of patriotism, but because a group of new consumers are becoming the mainstay-- they are young people who have grown up with rapid economic growth and are really confident in China, and they are used to Chinese-style miraculous growth. I also want to believe in the quality of Chinese brands. It is the basic set of all Chinese brands like Li Ning Co. Ltd.: as long as you can come up with good products and tell good brand stories, you can get rid of prejudice.

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