
智莱科技(300771.SZ)拟2000万元参设西博安泰 布局战略性新兴产业

Shenzhen Zhilai Sci and Tech (300771.SZ) plans to invest 20 million yuan in establishing Xibo Antai to layout the strategic emerging industry.

Zhitong Finance ·  Sep 9, 2024 19:26

Zhilai Technology (300771.SZ) announced that the company plans to cooperate with Shenzhen Xibo Management Consulting Co., Ltd. and other partnerships...

Zhitong Finance App News, Zhilai Technology (300771.SZ) announced that the company plans to jointly invest with Shenzhen Xibo Management Consulting Co., Ltd. and other partners to establish the Shenzhen Xibo Antai Venture Capital Partnership (limited partnership). The maximum total size of the partnership shall not exceed 0.1665 billion yuan. Of these, the company, as a limited partner, will invest RMB 20 million with its own capital. The partnership's investment targets strategic emerging industries such as advanced manufacturing, next-generation electronic information, and high-end equipment manufacturing, with a view to obtaining capital appreciation benefits.

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