

Volume change rate ranking (2pm) - Medrex, Aeon, etc. ranked in

Fisco Japan ·  Sep 6, 2024 00:58

In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.

Top volume change rate [September 6, 14:32 current]

(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)

Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate

<7271> Yasuei 712,600 97,107.08 268.83% 0.0586%

<4586> Medorex 6,811,200 73,731.02 263.55% -0.0099%

<1308> Listed TPX 2,188,774 579,765.086 262.9% -0.0089%

<7868> Hirozaido HD 3,247,400 264,167.62 203.05% 0.1111%

<143A> Ishin 4069500 1139390.6 175.9% -0.0676%

<7605> Fujicorp 146800 60853.78 172.22% 0.1082%

<2014> iS Rice Alliance 656280 33914.726 168.97% -0.0138%

<2805> SB 21600 28216.7 144.04% 0.0259%

<6744> Nomi Boso 158200 151180.54 131.76% 0.0412%

<2370> MDNT 2674500 31717.66 128.88% -0.0444%

<4592> Sanbio 3572500 1183878.36 122.63% -0.036%

<8254> Saikaya 781500 138196.64 116.23% -0.1569%

<2521> Listed rice HE. Volume: 108,290. Amount: 129,502.879. Change: 109.57%. Change Rate: -0.0041%

<2413> M3. Volume: 9,244,000. Amount: 4,818,111.88. Change: 106.48%. Change Rate: 0.0675%

<5025> Mercury. Volume: 1,051,200. Amount: 280,112.20. Change: 101.17%. Change Rate: 0.1923%

<197A> Towns. Volume: 1,921,100. Amount: 365,068.44. Change: 99.5%. Change Rate: 0.0732%

<3232> San Koyo GHD. Volume: 316,600. Amount: 62,516.04. Change: 96.91%. Change Rate: -0.0098%

<3494> Marion. Volume: 116,500. Amount: 19,520.54. Change: 94.19%. Change Rate: 0.0494%

<3492> Takara Reit. Volume: 34,848. Amount: 1,223,963.44. Change: 93.24%. Change Rate: -0.0055%

<9168> Rise. Volume: 284,600. Amount: 81,882.12. Change: 92.2%. Change Rate: 0.0174%

<8267> Ayro Inc.    5041300 8930642.28  89.36% 0.0261%

<4680> Round One   3980100 1690505.92  82.76% 0.0431%

<2840> iF Nasdaq 100 3213  54525.05  81.23% -0.0055%

<2372> Ayrocom G     78200  91414.76  78.92% -0.005%

<1629> NF Wholesale   1094  43108.392  78.27% -0.0062%

<3465> Keiastar    238400  625162.4  77.04% 0.0323%

<2569> Listed on NSQ   144380  170302.881  75.08% -0.0047%

<1546> NF Dow Index    2922  77661.344  74.41% -0.0136%

<2108> Sugar beet      46800  59221.38  71.53% 0.0462%

<6118> Aida      410000  138726.64  71.23% -0.0102%

The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.

Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.

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