
股价已严重背离公司基本面 9连板折叠屏概念牛股披露风险提示公告|盘后公告集锦

The stock price has seriously deviated from the company's fundamentals. A risk warning announcement for the 9 consecutive trading days of the folding screen concept bullish stock is disclosed. | Post-market announcement highlights. ·  Sep 5 19:56

Ways Electron, which has experienced four consecutive trading limits, does not produce its own VR terminal products.


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【9连板科森科技:股票价格已严重背离公司基本面 存在过度非理性炒作风险】

Kunshan Kersen Science & Technology has issued a risk warning announcement for stock trading. The company's stock has closed at the limit-up price for 9 consecutive trading days from August 26 to September 5, 2024, with a cumulative increase in stock price of 135.95%. At the same time, the company achieved a net loss of -0.161 billion yuan attributable to shareholders of the listed company in the first half of 2024, and is expected to continue to incur losses for the full year of 2024. The stock price of the company has deviated significantly from its fundamentals, posing a risk of excessive speculative trading. In addition, the company's folding screen hinge assembly business relies heavily on a single customer and is expected to contribute less than 1% of the company's total revenue for 2024. The company does not produce solid-state battery products.


伟时电子发布股票交易异常波动暨风险提示公告,公司关注到有媒体对于VR相关的报道,公司自身不生产VR终端产品,敬请广大投资者注意投资风险。公司股票连续4个交易日内涨停,收盘价格累计涨幅46.38%,股价剔除大盘和板块整体因素后的实际波动幅度大。公司 2024年半年度归属于上市公司股东的净利润19.3126 million元,同比下降47.11%,敬请广大投资者注意公司业绩波动,注意防范二级市场投资风险。

【5天4板天茂集团:截至9月5日 公司暂未通过股份回购专用证券账户以集中竞价交易方式实施回购公司股份】

Hubei Biocause Pharmaceutical has issued a notice of abnormal fluctuations in stock trading. There have been no significant changes in the company's operation and internal and external operating environment recently. As of September 5, 2024, the company has not yet repurchased the company's shares using a special securities account for stock repurchases through centralized bidding trade.

Hpgc renmintongtai pharmaceutical corporation: The main business of the company is pharmaceutical wholesale business.

Hpgc renmintongtai pharmaceutical corporation has issued a notice of abnormal fluctuations in stock trading, and after the company's self-inspection, the company's current operating activities are normal. There is no other significant information that the company should disclose but has not disclosed. The company's main business includes pharmaceutical wholesale, pharmaceutical retail, and provision of pharmaceutical logistics and medical services, and the main business has not undergone significant changes.

Shenzhen tianyuan dic information technology: A subsidiary controlled by the company, Jinhua Wei, is one of the general distributors of Huawei's corporate business.

Shenzhen tianyuan dic information technology has issued a notice of abnormal fluctuations in stock trading. The company is paying attention to the market's focus on the company's proposed acquisition of the remaining 45% equity of Jinhua Wei for 0.306 billion yuan, which is related to the fact that Jinhua Wei is one of the general distributors of Huawei's corporate business. The subsidiary controlled by the company, Jinhua Wei, is one of the general distributors of Huawei's corporate business, and its main business is to provide ICT products and value-added services to corporate clients, including sales of products such as network, storage, server, video conferencing, and video surveillance.

Investment & Signing

San Bian Science & Technology: Plans to invest 0.02 million USD in establishing a wholly-owned subsidiary overseas.

San Bian Science & Technology announced that on September 5, 2024, the seventh board of directors held its eleventh meeting, and approved the resolution on the "Proposal on Investing in the Establishment of a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary Overseas." The company plans to invest in establishing a wholly-owned subsidiary in the United States, with a total investment amount of 0.02 million USD. The establishment of this subsidiary is based on the company's business development needs, which will help further expand overseas markets, enhance the company's overall competitiveness, and promote sustainable and healthy development. The company will make the investment in the form of currency, and the source of funds will be from self-owned or self-raised funds. The establishment of the wholly-owned subsidiary will not have a significant adverse impact on the company's business and financial condition.

ST Hengli: Signed a "Cooperation Framework Agreement" with Ganfeng Lithium

ST Hengli announced that based on the principles of "equal priority, complementary advantages, mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation", the company and Ganfeng Lithium will work together to establish a long-term, stable, and close comprehensive strategic partnership in the upstream and downstream of the new energy industry chain. Both parties will carry out comprehensive cooperation in new energy battery materials, battery liquid cooling systems, new energy, new materials, and other emerging industries investment and project operation. This agreement is a framework cooperation agreement and does not involve specific cooperation project amounts. According to relevant regulations, the signing of this "Cooperation Framework Agreement" does not constitute a related party transaction, nor does it constitute a major asset restructuring, and does not require the approval of the board of directors and shareholders' general meeting.

Equity Changes

Bao Ying Shares: The completion of the acquisition of shares by Dahengqin Group will resume trading from tomorrow

Shenzhen Bauing Construction Holding Group announced that the company's stocks will resume trading on September 6, 2024. During the tender offer period from August 1, 2024 to August 30, 2024, a total of 101 accounts holding 13.8037 million shares accepted the offer made by the acquirer. After the completion of the tender offer, the company's equity distribution will meet the listing requirements, and the listing status will not be affected. Dah Sing Group directly holds 20.37% of the shares of Shenzhen Bauing Construction Holding Group, with its wholly-owned subsidiary Dah Sing Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited holding 2.00% of the shares of Shenzhen Bauing Construction Holding Group, and Dah Sing Group holds 37.96% of the voting rights of Shenzhen Bauing Construction Holding Group.

Increase or Decrease of Shareholding & Share Repurchase

Ourpalm Technology: Plans to repurchase shares for 50 million to 100 million RMB

Ourpalm Technology announced that it plans to repurchase shares for 50 million to 100 million RMB, to be used for stock-based incentive plans or employee shareholding plans, with the repurchase price not exceeding 6.2 RMB per share.

Dptech: Shareholder Zhou Shunlin, holding more than 5% of the shares, plans to reduce the company's shares by no more than 0.79%.

In a notice, Dptech announced that shareholder Zhou Shunlin, holding more than 5% of the shares, plans to reduce the company's shares by no more than 5,000,000 shares, or no more than 0.79% of the total share capital. The reason for the reduction is personal fund needs, and the source of the reduction shares is the shares before the initial public offering and the capital surplus shares.

Gan & Lee Pharmaceuticals: Plans to repurchase shares worth between 0.15 billion yuan and 0.3 billion yuan.

In an announcement, Gan & Lee Pharmaceuticals stated that the company plans to repurchase shares worth between 0.15 billion yuan and 0.3 billion yuan, to be used for implementing employee stock ownership plans or stock-based incentives. The repurchase price will not exceed 62.76 yuan per share (including par value).

Lihe Technology: Shareholder Guokeruihua plans to reduce its shareholding by no more than 2.38%.

In an announcement, Lihe Technology stated that shareholder Guokeruihua Investment Enterprise plans to reduce its shares in the company by no more than 5,520,000 shares, or no more than 2.38% of the total share capital (excluding the shares in the repurchase account). The reason for the reduction is Guokeruihua's own fund needs.

Operation & Performance

Changan Automobile: The production in August was 0.1765 million vehicles, and the sales volume was 0.1871 million vehicles.

Chongqing Changan Automobile announced that in August 2024, the company's production volume was 0.1765 million vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 13.67%, and sales volume was 0.1871 million vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 10.63%. Among them, the sales volume of independent brand new energy vehicles in August was 0.0488 million vehicles, and the cumulative sales volume from January to August was 0.3932 million vehicles.

Shenzhen Kingsino Technology: In August, the sales volume of hogs was 0.1002 million heads, with sales revenue of 0.172 billion yuan.

Kingsino Technology announced that in August 2024, the sales volume of hogs was 0.1002 million heads, including 0.0537 million heads of market hogs, 0.0408 million heads of piglets, and 0.0057 million heads of breeding hogs; the sales revenue from hog sales was 0.172 billion yuan, with an average selling price of 20.24 yuan/kg.

Inner Mongolia Yuanxing Energy: The production line of the Alashan Tamusu natural alkali development and utilization project of its holding subsidiary, due to equipment failure, is running at a reduced load.

Yuanxing Energy announced that during the operation of the third and fourth production lines of the Alashan Tamusu natural alkali development and utilization project of its holding subsidiary, shared equipment in the evaporation process of the two production lines malfunctioned, resulting in a reduced load on these two production lines, which is expected to affect the daily production of soda ash by approximately 3,000 tons. Silver Root Mining has initiated maintenance work and is expected to resume production before the end of October 2024. The planned production capacity of the project is 7.8 million tons/year of soda ash and 0.8 million tons/year of baking soda. The equipment failure is not expected to have a significant impact on the company's performance.

Avary Holding: The consolidated operating revenue in August was 3.675 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25.56%.

Avary Holding announced that the consolidated operating revenue in August 2024 was 3.675 billion yuan, an increase of 25.56% compared to the same period last year. The data is preliminary accounting and has not been audited or reviewed by an accounting firm. The final data is subject to the company's regular reports.

Contracts & Project Bids

Ourpalm co.,ltd.: Wholly-owned subsidiary successfully bid for the AI low-carbon smart heating energy management (EMC) project in Feixian County.

Ourpalm co.,ltd. announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Hefei Ourpalm Intelligent Energy Management Co., Ltd., won the bid for the AI low-carbon smart heating energy management (EMC) project in Feixian County, with a bid amount of 0.107 billion yuan. The performance of this project is expected to have no impact on the company's revenue and operating profit for the year 2024, but will have an impact on the revenue and operating profit in the future years. Specifics are subject to the formal contract signed. The public notice period has not ended, and there is uncertainty as to whether the bid notice or the formal contract with the bidder will be received.

Chongqing Wanli New Energy: Completion of the share acquisition by Zhichuang Tiandi, and resumption of trading of stocks.

Chongqing Wanli New Energy announced that during the tender offer period, 126 shareholder accounts were pre-received, with a total of 7.9053 million shares pre-received, accounting for 5.1572% of the company's total shares. After the completion of the tender offer, Beijing Zhichuang Tiandi Technology Development Co., Ltd. and its concerted action parties collectively hold 28.21% equity of the listed company. The company's stock will resume trading from September 6, 2024.

Changjiang & Jinggong Steel Building: Won the bid for the renovation and expansion project of the People's Hospital in Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, with an amount of 0.466 billion yuan.

Jinggong Steel Building announced that the company successfully won the bid for the renovation and expansion project of Anji County People's Hospital in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, with a bid amount of 0.466 billion yuan and a building area of approximately 0.1217 million square meters. This project is a new breakthrough achieved by the company's general contracting business in Huzhou, and it also embodies the company's active pursuit of the strategic transformation from steel structure specialization subcontracting to general contracting mode. The winning bid has a positive promoting effect on the company's development and project acquisition in the hospital segment market.

Stock Price Volatility

Sunyes Manufacturing, which has seen four consecutive trading limit-up days, currently has normal production and operation and no significant undisclosed matters.

Sunyes Manufacturing announced that the trading price of the company's stock deviated by more than 20% for two consecutive trading days on September 4th and September 5th, 2024, indicating abnormal fluctuations in stock trading. After verification, the company's daily production and operation are normal, and no significant changes have been found in the internal and external business environment. There are no significant undisclosed matters regarding the company from the company, controlling shareholders, and actual controllers, and there are no significant matters in the planning stage. The controlling shareholders and actual controllers did not buy or sell the company's stock during the abnormal fluctuations in stock trading, and the company did not violate the regulations on fair information disclosure.

Other products

Zhejiang Reclaim Construction Group: The company and related personnel have received the "Administrative Supervision Measures Decision" from the Ningbo Regulatory Bureau.

Zhejiang Reclaim Construction Group announced that the company and related personnel have received the "Administrative Supervision Measures Decision" issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission Ningbo Regulatory Bureau. After investigation, it was found that the net profit forecast disclosed in the "2023 Annual Performance Forecast" published by the company on January 31, 2024 was inaccurate and significantly different from the audited net profit disclosed in the annual report, and it was not promptly corrected. The company and related personnel have been subject to the administrative supervision measure of issuing a warning letter. The company stated that it will strictly rectify and strengthen the management of information disclosure affairs in accordance with the requirements.

Qingdao Weflo Valve: The company and related responsible parties have received a warning letter from the Qingdao Securities Regulatory Bureau.

Qingdao Weflo Valve announced that the company and related responsible parties have recently received a warning letter issued by the Qingdao Securities Regulatory Bureau. After investigation, it was found that the transfer of equity of the subsidiary, Juji Electric, by the company was recognized as investment income according to the consolidated basis, amounting to 41.6412 million yuan, accounting for 68.27% of the audited net profit in 2021, reaching the deliberation standard of the shareholders' meeting, but the deliberation procedures of the shareholders' meeting were not followed. The Qingdao Securities Regulatory Bureau has decided to impose the regulatory measure of issuing a warning letter on the company, Chairman Fan Qingwei, former general manager Li Huijun, and former board secretary Liu Keping, and record it in the integrity file of the securities and futures market.

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