

新浪财经 ·  Jan 2, 2020 11:13

Sina US Stock News reported on the 2nd, Beijing time, that the British chip design company Exhaust Technologies said on Thursday that it has already cooperated withapplesA new licensing agreement was reached, restoring a business relationship that had been interrupted in recent years.

In April 2017, Apple announced that it would stop using Imagination's graphics processing chips, end patent fee payments, and develop and design graphics processing chip architectures independently.

In September 2017, Imagination was acquired by the Chinese private equity fund Canyon Bridge (Canyon Bridge) at a cost of 550 million pounds.

The company said on Thursday it has “reached a new multi-year licensing agreement with Apple under which Apple can obtain a broader range of Imagination intellectual property and pay licensing fees.”

Imagination didn't specify the intellectual property covered by the latest agreement, but the company's intellectual property relating to graphics and artificial intelligence may be the key to future Apple devices.

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