In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.
■Top volume change rate [As of September 5, 10:32]
(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)
Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate
<2856> US Bonds 37H 986,500 40,232.315 307.72% 0.0022%
<4499> Speee 754,700 114,292.9 276.9% 0.179%
<8182> Inageya 547,900 87,452.32 216.84% -0.0322%
<143A> Ishin 1,509,100 674,082.24 97.55% 0.2398%
<7616> Colowide 6,676,700 5,143,356.28 96.72% -0.0309%
<9067> Maru-Un 324,500 86,029.1 84.17% 0.064%
<4442> Valtes HD 269,900 51,004 82.74% -0.0429%
<9343> Aivis 150,500 286,465.7 78.9% 0.1131%
<4333> Toho System 130,200 77,928.78 74.6% -0.0156%
<3222> U.S.M.H 563,900 312,396.46 71.2% -0.0233%
<1369> One225 6,475 104,631.078 59.04% -0.0053%
<3655> Brain P 250,800 119,650.76 54.49% 0.0505%
<4813> ACCESS 1697500 1147400.22 49.51% 0.1352%
<1330> Listed 225 65294 1285197.658 47.3% -0.0075%
<4316> Beamap 1688500 1004766.6 47.28% 0.0661%
<2842> iFna100be 5878 79696.577 47.06% -0.0063%
<4307> NRI 2298400 7268227.36 36.39% 0.0327%
<153A> Kaoris 91600 96954.34 35.18% 0.1171%
<1497> HY bond H 22317 25705.059 32.74% 0.0021%
<2634> NFSP500Head 58760 104027.26 31.05% 0.004%
<3221> Yoshikix HD 62900 156,672.4 29.77% 0.0015%
<3772> Welles 79700 49941.16 29.66% 0.0132%
<5809> Tatsuta Line 94400 55418.82 28.68% 0%
<6358> Sakai Shigeru 17300 53066.1 28.6% -0.0194%
<6238> Flue 109900 78125.08 28.59% 0.0472%
<6272> Ryon Self-propelled 54600 51156 27.87% -0.024%
<8968> Fukuoka REIT 10634 1,214,693.7 26.71% -0.0055%
<6505> Toyo Electric 39100 30044.82 26.58% -0.0172%
<3798> ULS-G 17400 61286 26.08% -0.0267%
<1456> iF225 Bear 193628 358933.41 24.61% 0.0041%
The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.
Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.