In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.
■ Volume change rate top [As of September 4, 9:32]
(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)
Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate
<7063> Birdman 608,500 107,185.08 209.81% 0.1264%
<2620> iS US government bond 13 188,770 53,958.98 193.51% -0.005%
<4333> Toho System 116,600 10,241.368 187.97% -0.0224%
<2856> US bond 37H 150,310 32,360.98 180.65% 0.0037%
<5357> Yotai 56700 18126.737 141.24% -0.0222%
<9229> Sanwells 3101300 25318.96 128.59% -0.1527%
<8160> Kisoji 243600 1830251.92 119.02% -0.0055%
<2569> Listed NSQ He 105920 183711.46 113.06% -0.0319%
<1345> Listed J REIT 67800 91292.18 104.48% -0.0033%
<2041> NY Dow Bear 31664 43908.51 94.76% 0.011%
<1369> One225 2706 33704.998 90.74% -0.0329%
<1368> iFTPXW Dream 122401 38975.456 82.84% 0.0471%
<1348> MXS Topic 94070 27388.289 81.84% -0.0237%
<2525> NZAM 225 10413 97817.896 79.29% -0.0316%
<1580> Nikkei multiplied by 1 311570 142347.042 76.48% 0.0317%
<1475> iSTOPIX 1784450 215656.737 75.33% -0.025%
<3153> Yashu Electric 75200 229639 62.52% -0.0173%
<6245> Hirano Tech 103000 87531.8 61.89% -0.0227%
<9749> Fuji Soft 270600 91797.1 57.01% 0.0668%
<4396> System Support 41800 1457803.4 56.87% 0.0591%
<7059> Copro HD 55700 53598.66 56.43% -0.0439%
<3541> Nossoken 6876100 49741.3 43.1% 0.0679%
<9284> Canadian 2016 1287812.92 36.59% -0.0078%
<6224> JRC 122700 132697.2 35.53% -0.0009%
<8613> Marusan Sho 167200 82594.26 32.24% -0.0158%
<2557> SMDAM Topi 37530 110361.34 32.23% -0.0228%
<2039> Dubai Bear 40975 58460.436 32.15% 0.0509%
<2975> Star Micah HD 94300 32463.212 31.04% -0.0221%
<2564> GXS Divi 373,324 39980.24 30.41% -0.0137%
<4875> Medicinova 1,321,800 593,613.145 28.85% 0.2139%
The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.
Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.