
ETF收评 | 纳指ETF全线飘红,纳指科技ETF领涨,半导体设备ETF、半导体材料设备ETF跌逾4%

ETF Review | Nasdaq ETFs are all rising, with Nasdaq Technology ETF leading the way, while Semiconductor Equipment ETF and Semiconductor Material Equipment ETF both dropped more than 4%.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Sep 2 15:16

Gelonghui, September 2 | The three major A-share indices fell collectively today. By the close, the Shanghai Index fell 1.10%, the Shenzhen Index fell 2.11%, and the GEM Index fell 2.75%. The turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets was 705.7 billion yuan, down 170.9 billion yuan from the previous day. Over 4,400 individual stocks in the two markets are turning green. On the market, insurance, two-wheelers, coal, and ST sectors registered the highest gains, while China's shipping, liquor, securities, and precious metals sectors registered the highest declines. In terms of ETFs, NASDA-themed ETFs were strong throughout the day. Invesco Great Wall Fund's NASDAQ Technology ETF and Cathay Pacific Fund NASDAQ ETF rose 1.75% and 0.85% respectively. The former's latest spillover rate was 13.57%. Following the increase in the S&P 500 ETF, the Southern Fund S&P 500 ETF Fund and the Bosch Fund S&P 500 ETF both rose 1%. The coal sector bucked the trend and the Cathay Pacific Fund coal ETF rose 1.08%. The semiconductor sector declined across the board, with semiconductor equipment ETFs, semiconductor material equipment ETFs, and chip 50 ETFs all falling by more than 4%. The communications sector followed the decline. Cloud Computing Shanghai-Hong Kong-Shenzhen ETF and Communications ETF fell 3.9% and 3.88% respectively. The infrastructure sector declined, and the Infrastructure 50 ETF fell 3.89%.

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