
分析师:苹果公司将是5G赛场赢家 目标价350美元

Analyst: Apple Inc Company will be the winner in the 5G game with a target price of $350.

新浪美股 ·  Dec 31, 2019 00:11

Sina US Stock Market News Beijing time on December 31st news, Wedbush analyst Daniel Ives believes that Apple IncThe company will achieve a "5G supercycle" in 2020.

Wedbush listed Apple Inc's stock as the best stock selection related to 5G, calling Apple Inc the "clear winner" of Wall Street.

Wedbush expects Apple Inc to launch at least one 5G iPhone next autumn and keep Apple Inc's stock above the market rating and a target price of $350.

Apple Inc's share price was strong in 2019, ranking eighth in the s & p IT index, up 84%. Given its sheer size, the iPhone maker is by far the biggest contributor to the index's rise.

Loup Ventures, a famous US research venture capital firm, predicts that Apple Inc will continue to lead the rise in large-scale technology stocks next year and is expected to rise another 20 per cent in 2020.

As of press time, Apple Inc's share price was at 287.96 US dollars, down 0.63%.

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