
每日期权追踪 | 英伟达期权成交激增至700万张!call单火热押注反弹;重大变革!英特尔现千万美元卖put大单

Daily Options Recap | NVIDIA options trading surged to 7 million contracts! Bullish bets on call options heating up for a rebound; Major change! Intel now selling tens of millions of dollars in put options.

Futu News ·  Aug 30 17:30

Key focus.

1, in the past week, it fell by more than 2%, and the volume of options on Friday decreased slightly to 4 million contracts, with a call ratio dropping to 56%; on the open options chain, the call with an expiration date of this Friday and a strike price of $110 was the hottest, with a trading volume and open interest of nearly 0.09 million contracts. $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ After the results, the stock fell by more than 6%, and the overnight options volume surged to 7.34 million contracts, an increase of nearly 60% compared to the daily average, with a call ratio of 63%. On the options chain, call options betting on a price rebound today and expiring at $125 and $130 were the most active, with trading volumes of 0.31 million contracts and 250,000 contracts, and open interest of 0.064 million contracts and 160,000 contracts respectively.

3, the strong performance continued after the earnings report. The volume of options on Friday surged to 0.3 million contracts, and the call ratio increased again, to around 70%. On the options chain, the call with a $40 strike price expiring this Friday was sought after, with a trading volume of 0.034 million contracts and an open interest of 3,800 contracts. The option recorded a 100% increase on the day. $Intel (INTC.US)$ Rising more than 2% overnight, and another 2% before the market opens, the overnight options trading volume doubled compared to the previous period, with a put ratio of 67%. Multiple large put options with transaction amounts over $20 million were executed yesterday, including two significant sales of put options expiring on September 20th with exercise prices of $40/42, totaling over $67 million, betting on the stock price to rise.

There are rumors that Intel may consider splitting its manufacturing business to stem losses. According to sources, Intel is working with investment banks to navigate through the company's most challenging period in its 56-year history. The company is reportedly discussing various scenarios, including the separation of its product design and manufacturing business, as well as potential cancellation of some factory projects.

3. The American version of "Huabei" $Affirm Holdings (AFRM.US)$ After the performance, it soared by 32%, with options contracts trading over 0.46 million lots, exceeding 4 times the average daily trading volume on the 30th, with a 71% increase in call ratio; on the options chain, the call options with exercise prices of 50 and 45 US dollars expiring on September 20th were both very active, with trading volumes all above 0.015 million lots. In addition, multiple call options with expiration today and exercise prices between 36.5-40 US dollars earned more than 5 times the option premium.

The data shows that the company's Q4 revenue increased by 48% year-on-year to $0.659 billion, with an adjusted loss of $0.14 per share, both better than analyst expectations. In addition, the CEO of Affirm stated that the company has set a new goal to achieve GAAP operating profit before the fourth quarter of the 2025 fiscal year.

Bank of America analysts last month stated that the interest rate cut will benefit Affirm's financing costs and loan sales revenue. The company has increased the maximum annual interest rate on loans for its merchants from 30% to 36%, and analysts said that this "should continue to drive growth in yield and total trade volume of commodities".

1. US stock options trading list

2. ETF options trading list.

3. Individual stock implied volatility (IV) ranking.

Risk warning

Options are contracts that give the holder the right to buy or sell an asset at a fixed price on or before a specific date, without any obligation. The price of an option is influenced by various factors, including the current price of the underlying asset, exercise price, expiration time and implied volatility.

Implied volatility reflects the market's expectation for the future volatility of an option, and it is a signal of market sentiment derived from the option pricing model called Black-Scholes (BS). When investors expect greater volatility, they may be willing to pay a higher premium for an option to help hedge risks, thus resulting in a higher implied volatility.

Traders and investors use implied volatility to assess the attractiveness of option prices, identify potential mispricing, and manage risk exposure.


This content does not constitute an offer, solicitation, recommendation, opinion, or guarantee of any securities, financial products or instruments. The loss risk of buying and selling options could be substantial. In certain circumstances, you may suffer losses exceeding the amount initially deposited as margin. Even if you set up backup instructions, such as stop loss or limit instructions, losses may not be avoided. Market conditions may render such orders impossible to execute. You may be required to deposit additional margin in a very short period of time. If the required amount cannot be provided within the specified time, your open contracts may be closed. However, you are still responsible for any shortfalls in your account arising from this. Therefore, before buying or selling, you should research and understand the options, and consider carefully whether such trading is suitable for you based on your financial situation and investment objectives. If you buy or sell options, you should be familiar with the exercise of options and the procedures at expiration, as well as your rights and obligations when exercising an option or at expiration.


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